Hey guys. Yesterday was my brother's birthday and he has wanted a Veiled Chameleon for some time now. Eventually, me and my family got enough money to get a baby Veiled, 3' x 3' x 3' cage, branches, foliage, heat lamp, and dripper. We got him (he's a male since he has spurs) today and set him up today as well. We asked the man at the pet store who has had several Veileds about handling them. He said "The more you handle them, the better they will be with handling". I want to make sure what he said is true. He was showing some signs of agression today (opening his mouth, but no hissing) when my brother was handling him before putting him in his cage. I understand the chameleon (now named Crank) has gone through alot of stress and we will not handle him for several days while he gets settled in. I am just making sure my brother can handle him comfortably. Thank you