Veiled chameleon pregnant?


New Member
Hi I have a new veiled chameleon and I'm pretty sure it's a female, which I could use help on determining. But anyways lately she has been digging around the bottom of the cage and ive never had a female Cham before so is she laying her unfertile eggs or is this normal. They told me she was a couple months old . Thanks
Not likely if she really is only a couple of months old....unless she's large for her age. Does she have mustardy yellow splotches on her? Please post a photo.
That is what it sounds like to be she will do it for 2 to 3 days when she is done she will be very tired so after you get the eggs out make sure you give her plenty of privacy and she will be starving and mister her good I hope this helps
Hi I have a new veiled chameleon and I'm pretty sure it's a female, which I could use help on determining. But anyways lately she has been digging around the bottom of the cage and ive never had a female Cham before so is she laying her unfertile eggs or is this normal. They told me she was a couple months old . Thanks

Can you provide a picture of her hind legs? We can determine sex by looking for tarsal spurs that only males have. Also, a full profile picture of her so we can estimate an age. If she is only 2-3 months old she can't be gravid.
Can you provide a picture of her hind legs? We can determine sex by looking for tarsal spurs that only males have. Also, a full profile picture of her so we can estimate an age. If she is only 2-3 months old she can't be gravid.

Ok but I'm new To this and I'm not sure how to put up a picture thanks

I think it looks closer to 5 months than 4. Can you get a picture of its rear heel? Also, it doesn't look gravid to me. It may be suffering from MBD, although I've never had a cham with this condition, maybe someone with more experience can comment.
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