veiled eyes problem--hes eating only morio nothing else.

See my feedback in bold.

Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
Male veiled chameleon.its about 1year and 8 months.I bought it in September 2020
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
I handle him once a month
Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
Dubia,crickets locustus and zophobas morio worms. I give him 2-3 preys every 2 days. Gut loading:carrots apples pumpkins. This is not bad... Make sure the dubia are not large though. I would not give bigger than a half inch just so he is not eating more than he should. You could even take him down to only feeding 2 times a week 2-3 feeders for a few weeks and see if he slims down in the casque a bit. Expand your gutload. you want more leafy greens in there. See the image below.

Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
Calcium without d3 on every meal
And reptivite with d3 every 15 days. Good
Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
I use dripping method for wateriing.
I mist every day at night and in the morning.and some times in midle of the day.depends of humidity levels. Yes i saw him drinking sometimes. This is all good.

Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
Fecals are ok now.brown dark color.his tested last november for parasites and he was full.... After this I followed the doctor's instructions with a parasite medicine and now hes ok
History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
Combo cage-wood and mess.front and top sides are with mess.dimension:130x60x50 This is fine.
Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
Arcadia t5ho 6% and 1 typical bulb for heat.
Schedule 12 hours on 12 off. Make sure your replacing the UVB bulb every 12 months.
Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
Temps in basking spot is 27-29 celcius This is a good range.
Lowest overnight temp at winter is 12-13 celcius and at summer 25-27.i didnt measure the rest of the cage. for Summer night drop should be a bit lower. At least down to 18-20.
Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
Humidity levels are 30-50 at the day and at night 60-90.cant keep it hight for a much period. These are good. High Night time humidity is just to add another form of hydration but it is not a have to thing.
Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
I have only live plants. Pothos,ficus benjamin and umbrella plant.
Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
Cage located in the living room.isnt near fans or air vents. "Semi" high traffic area 🙂 .the cage is on furniture and the upper side of the cage is 2 meters from the floor
Location - Where are you geographically located?

So everything here is good.

He does have a bit of girth to that casque and if you look at his arms where they meet the feet you can see a bit of a roll. So can you tell me how your getting a weight on him and if you have tested the scale to be sure it is accurate? 120 grams would be a weight were I would not expect to see a Veiled with any fat to the casque.

With husbandry being on point and seeing more fat stored in the cheeks, casque, and arms I believe what you are seeing with the extra skin on the eyes is a two fold of partly normal and a little more obvious due to the fat in the cheeks.
Thanks for the report!
from now on i will feed him 2 times a week.but this problem with eyes...(target issue) its so weird.ill try to upload video from hes weight
Thanks for the report!
from now on i will feed him 2 times a week.but this problem with eyes...(target issue) its so weird.ill try to upload video from hes weight
I can not see anything in the husbandry that would directly impact this as a for sure reason why. However one thing you could try is switching out his multivitamin. Instead of the Reptivite. Get Repashy Calcium plus LoD version. It looks like the pic below. You would use this one the same way every 15 days. This one is made using different ratios and is a very fine powder.

When was the last time you changed the UVB bulb?

Screen Shot 2022-05-07 at 9.10.42 AM.png
Ill try this one!i change the bulb before 4 months
If your using an arcadia bulb you can replace it every 12 months.

So try the new supplement and remove the reptivite. Lets see if that makes any difference. Let me know if you see any changes. good or bad.
1 more question @Beman plz! Can i use ARCADIA T5 D3+ ‘HIGH OUTPUT’ DESERT REPTILE and not forest? I think desert is 3%uvb.
I ask about it cuz in Greece cant find 6% anymore
1 more question @Beman plz! Can i use ARCADIA T5 D3+ ‘HIGH OUTPUT’ DESERT REPTILE and not forest? I think desert is 3%uvb.
I ask about it cuz in Greece cant find 6% anymore
Nope... You want the 6% if your using the Arcadia. You can switch to the Zoo med 5.0 bulb though. It is equivalent to the 6% arcadia bulb. The desert bulbs are a stronger UVB actually. Used for things like bearded dragons. Would be too strong for a cham. If you have no choice and it is a 12% bulb the only thing you could do is adjust the fixture farther away from the cham.

With a 6% you want a full 8-9 inches to the basking branches below the UVB. Double check this with what yours is as well just to be sure. Let me know if it is not and what the distance is.

With a 12% you want a full 11-12 inches to the basking branches below the UVB.
Nope... You want the 6% if your using the Arcadia. You can switch to the Zoo med 5.0 bulb though. It is equivalent to the 6% arcadia bulb. The desert bulbs are a stronger UVB actually. Used for things like bearded dragons. Would be too strong for a cham. If you have no choice and it is a 12% bulb the only thing you could do is adjust the fixture farther away from the cham.

With a 6% you want a full 8-9 inches to the basking branches below the UVB. Double check this with what yours is as well just to be sure. Let me know if it is not and what the distance is.

With a 12% you want a full 11-12 inches to the basking branches below the UVB.
You clear! Thanks a the distance of basking branch is 19-20 cm.
was 15-17 cm
Ok I am glad I mentioned distance then. This may also be what was causing issues with targeting. He would have been in the far upper levels of UVB exposure and into the over exposure levels being that close to a T5HO fixture and 6% bulb. Over exposure can cause issues as well.

Good news here is that even if the issue is not linked to the multivitamin that switching it with the repashy will not cause harm.

So if he starts to target better between both of these changes we know we found the issue.
After 20 days and the problem with target and his eyes still remain the same...i think its worst now...


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Hello again @Beman after 1 year and he still has the eye issue,he cant before... check this video... still the same behavior .i dont know what to do anymore.cant care of him anymore im so tired of this situation.

Check this short to

Hello again @Beman after 1 year and he still has the eye issue,he cant before... check this video... still the same behavior .i dont know what to do anymore.cant care of him anymore im so tired of this situation.

Check this short to

What happened when you took him to the vet last year? I wish you would have let me know this was still an issue so we could talk more. Then you would not be dealing with this on your own.

If it was an overdose of D3 and A it would have resolved within a few months of being on the correct supplements. This is when we lean to is there a sinus infection affecting the eyes and is their a secondary issue with the actual tongue. As in an injury at some point that permananty compromised him being able to extend it. If it is an injury you would have to hand feed him putting the feeder up to the mouth so he can take it from your fingers.

The reptivite with D3 only 2 times a month along with the calcium without D3 would balance out any supplement issues.
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