New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veled, female, bought from petstore 5 days ago, age unknown
Handling - daily
Feeding - meal worms, crickets, about 7 in the morning and 7 in the evening
Supplements - dusting once every 3 days with sera reptimineral, and with calcium once every 2 days or so.
Watering - waterfall, amd hand misting 2 or 3 times a day, yes she drinks daily.
Fecal Description -white part a bit dripy and dark browm-black part hard. hasnt been tested due to lack of exotic pets vet in my county.
History - 0
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Combo cage, top is screen, some ventilation holes in front, i keep the front open all the time, dimensions 18”18”18”.
Lighting - repti glo 5.0 bulb for uvb ,and a heat bulb from exoterra, 12 hours a day usage.
Temperature - 80 at cage floor and 87-88 at basking branch , measure with thermometer
Humidity - about 50-60%, with hiromether
Plants - yes a midget fern
Placement - cage in corner of the room on a desk. at aprox 1.7 meters.
Location - North west of Romania, temperate climate, worm summers and freezing winters.
Current Problem - i noticed after i bought her that she has a swelling on the left eyelid, and some dead skin bumps on an ankle, a pad and on tail.
I attached some pictures. Does anyone know what is wrong with her?
thanks for reading,
Radu Soponar
Your Chameleon - Veled, female, bought from petstore 5 days ago, age unknown
Handling - daily
Feeding - meal worms, crickets, about 7 in the morning and 7 in the evening
Supplements - dusting once every 3 days with sera reptimineral, and with calcium once every 2 days or so.
Watering - waterfall, amd hand misting 2 or 3 times a day, yes she drinks daily.
Fecal Description -white part a bit dripy and dark browm-black part hard. hasnt been tested due to lack of exotic pets vet in my county.
History - 0
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Combo cage, top is screen, some ventilation holes in front, i keep the front open all the time, dimensions 18”18”18”.
Lighting - repti glo 5.0 bulb for uvb ,and a heat bulb from exoterra, 12 hours a day usage.
Temperature - 80 at cage floor and 87-88 at basking branch , measure with thermometer
Humidity - about 50-60%, with hiromether
Plants - yes a midget fern
Placement - cage in corner of the room on a desk. at aprox 1.7 meters.
Location - North west of Romania, temperate climate, worm summers and freezing winters.
Current Problem - i noticed after i bought her that she has a swelling on the left eyelid, and some dead skin bumps on an ankle, a pad and on tail.
I attached some pictures. Does anyone know what is wrong with her?
thanks for reading,
Radu Soponar