Veiled playing dead


New Member
I went into my bedroom where Chamilla my female veiled's cage is located. I quickly noticed she was on the ground near the front left corner. She was abnormaly bright in color. I waited a minute at the door so she would notice me. She did but unlike normal she choose to stay on the ground. I came in the room a shut the door. I saw her almost slide onto her side. She became dark and drab with color. While her eyes stayed open I get the distinct feeling she was playing possum on me. I looked her over and even put my finger up to the mesh where she was laying at. Now normally that would have brought out a hiss but not today. I got her food for the day ready, dusted them and just dropped them in. As soon as she saw the food she immediatly jumped back to life and went after them. I guess you can teach an old chameleon new tricks.

I really was just posting this because I never actually saw this behavior with a veiled. Anyone else seen it before? She is very healthy. I am not really worried about that. She just seems a little old to be trying new stuff like that. I guess her desire to kill and eat far out ways her desire to mess with me.
Actually my late veiled chameleon, Louis, used to do this occasionally. It was attention seeking because he knew I'd pick him up when he did it. For example the last ever time he did this was after I came home from a 4 day trip and my mum had been looking after him. The first time he did this was the day I brought him home from the reptile shop. He lay on the ground, eyes shut and totally lifeless and I thought the stress of driving him home had killed him. I don't know if he wanted me to think he was dead so I left him alone but he got the opposite reaction and he soon learnt from this. Veiled chameleons are awesome because they are very inquisitive too!
This interests me to no end. I am intrigued with the psychology of the veiled... (until I expand, I'm sure.) But for now.... More stories on this would be facinating. After all... many animals use this method as a deterrent. But I know that for some things it takes only one time for them to see a result and then react accordingly by that result from thereon out. More behavour stories, please?
MINE TOO! But for very different reasons!

I have a young veiled Chameleon who has taken to playing dead when I go to take her out of her cage! I'm trying to bond with her but unfortunately she has taken to my friend boy person rather than myself ... In fact she rather dislikes me... But I'm the one who lives here and handles her and feeds her. I wonder what could make her act like this!
I know this post is old but wanted to add in my 4 month male played dead today when i took him outside for the first time. He turned black and rolled under my arm. He even slowly let one hand go. His eyes were open looking at me the entire time .


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I know this post is old but wanted to add in my 4 month male played dead today when i took him outside for the first time. He turned black and rolled under my arm. He even slowly let one hand go. His eyes were open looking at me the entire time .
He was not playing dead. He got scared... They will make themselves slimmer and roll to try to hide.... He does not feel safe.
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