Veiled updates


Chameleon Enthusiast
My veiled came as a pinky sized baby, in June and he spent all Summer, until last week, outdoors, in a 100 gallon reptarium. Outside, he grew to approximately 10", but he was always wary of observers and would promptly hide, when anyone came near the enclosure.
I just completed his new enclosure, which can be seen in the enclosures part 2 thread, on page 24. He has only been indoors for about a week and in his new cage about 5 days, but he has already started to show his personality. He took food from my fingers 3 times today and begs at the door, like dog, looking for treats! It's so hard to believe he was running from us a week again! I get so much joy from watching him use every bit of his 5'X4'/3'X5' enclosure.
Here he is!


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He's very handsome. My veileds have always enjoyed being around our family and taking part in everything that's going on.
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