Veiled vs panther


Ok, I'm still reading and preparing etc before purchasing. Just wondering what people's thoughts are on these two types?
I presume most have their favourites, but any pros and cons for both would be helpful.
I'd want a male and from what I've read so far with the veileds they have a spur on back feet. How do you tell a male with the panthers, if colours weren't obvious?
Oh and does it hurt if they bite you? :eek:
Male panthers have a bulge at the base of their tails. I say get what speaks to you. I had all panthers at first, I loved their look and their colors. However I just got a veiled as well... I have never been bitten, but I always let the cham lead the relationship. I let them come to me- it takes a lot of time and effort but is worth it.
I hear you about letting them lead. I had a grumpy African grey, untame :p
Plus my cat I have was born a stray, so nervous of new people and took a while to become the loving pest he is.
I like both veiled and panther, so I guess I'll look round and let it choose me. Ty.
I have been bit by a male veiled, jes i't hurts but if you respect him and handle him with care he wil not bite, i am raising a baby male right now he is almost 4 months old and so far he hasn't shown any aggression towards me at all
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