Verify Chameleon Gender


New Member
We have had our Veiled chameleon since 6 months old we were told it’s a male. Lately we are second guessing rather it is. Our Chameleon is now 13 months. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Your second pic does have a teeny tiny little bump on it. At 13 months it would be waaay more pronounced and it would have stripes on his sides if it was a boy. It would also have a huge casque. It is a girl! Here is a link to some info:

You will definitely want to get her a laybin

I don't have a female veiled but I can tag some people who do if you like.
Gotcha. Along with the bottom two videos I linked, there’s lots of great resources here and at! The gist of it is the bulb you have now only penetrates a few inches into the enclosure where as the T5 penetrates further and is a more efficient bulb. Your female chameleon will lay infertile eggs (probably very soon given her age) so it’s important her care is perfect to make sure she can lay eggs without any issues.
Just to let you know the carpet on the bottom not good will get full of bacteria. You have a lot of experienced owners on here about different areas. I hope you get all your questions answered.


Male or female. I say female my bf keep saying she had bars, petco told him she’s a boy but she has been digging in the substrate (they also sold him) and it has me wondering
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