Very New Owner - just 4 days

supplements are NOT good at every feeding, you should really be letting your gutload do a lot of the work, keep supplementing to a minimal in order to avoid long term problems that will one day be there and most likely be too late to fix

its a veiled not jakson.
supplements are NOT good at every feeding, you should really be letting your gutload do a lot of the work, keep supplementing to a minimal in order to avoid long term problems that will one day be there and most likely be too late to fix

Maybe for a jackson but not a veiled. Every experienced veiled keeper here recommends supplementing at every feeding. Do you have anything to back up your claims?
I along with several others, would say to discard this advice. It is not the best considering the Cham you have. I have had chams in glass terrariums, and the big think to watch it how easy they over heat, and since they usually get less water, they dry out fast. He will grow pretty fast and you will need a larger enclosure. Depending on where you live, you might want to consider a screen cage. Aren't they just the cutest tiny things at that age.:)

supplements are NOT good at every feeding, you should really be letting your gutload do a lot of the work, keep supplementing to a minimal in order to avoid long term problems that will one day be there and most likely be too late to fix
Hi all, I'm back and want to follow up. I purchased the linear reptiglo 5.0 uvb 18" lamp and the hood that goes with it. We are off and running there. My little guy looked better this morning after what I am guessing was a little more restful (and cooler) night for him.

Since I am assuming there are not "stupid" questions here, do I still need the basking lamp? The basking lamp I was told to purchase at the shop was in fact a mercury vapor, so if I need to continue with the basking lamp what is the proper setup for that.

Also, since I have not actually witnessed him eating and he may be dehydrated I purchased Fluker's Repta+Boost, which says will quickly help with nutrition and hydration. Is this something anyone has used and if so how is it administed with the best success? Or, is it a no, no?

My apologies for all the questions, I just feel like after the lamp experience I can't rely on all the information I have been given from the shop thus far. Thanks!

I just took this pic, thoughts? He is still moving around on his own but does not open his eyes.
you do need a basking bulb still in addition to your 5.0 uvb. Just use an ordinary white housebulb. Nothing fancy here. It is what the majority of us use. Try like a 40 watt for starters and bask the little guy no higher than 85 degrees. He does not look great in the pictures. Eye closing as you probably know is not a good thing. If the pet store told you this was normal they were WRONG and this tells me he was doing it in the store also before you bought him, so his problems could have already been present prior to you bringing him home. They too often use the incorrect lighting. Most pet stores have no business selling chameleons. It is sad but glad you found us and hopefully we can get your chameleon back to health. How are you providing him water. Misting, dripper, both??
Misting and dripper. I poked a hole in a water bottle and put it above the plants in his enclosure so it drips through the screen. I also have a fogger but the humidity was elevated, using the mist/drip system has been keeping the humidity at around 50%.

Yes, the eye closing is concerning but from previous posters it sounds like the bumbs I was recommended at the store were just too bright/warm.

The only other item that I have not seen posted was whether or not most people treat their water before providing it. I have been treating it with Reptisafe as directed on the bottle with all misting, drip, and fogging water. Is this correct?

I did try a little of the repti-boost earlier by just putting a little drop on his nose and he just doesnt seem interested. I am very hesitant to try to make him gape his mouth because he really seems so fragile.
i would keep his mistings up the humidity high till that shed is done and hope the shed is a part of the problem and we can hopefully help you through the rest. he doesnt have any leaking like tears or anything right?????
Misting and dripper. I poked a hole in a water bottle and put it above the plants in his enclosure so it drips through the screen. I also have a fogger but the humidity was elevated, using the mist/drip system has been keeping the humidity at around 50%.

Yes, the eye closing is concerning but from previous posters it sounds like the bumbs I was recommended at the store were just too bright/warm.

The only other item that I have not seen posted was whether or not most people treat their water before providing it. I have been treating it with Reptisafe as directed on the bottle with all misting, drip, and fogging water. Is this correct?

I did try a little of the repti-boost earlier by just putting a little drop on his nose and he just doesnt seem interested. I am very hesitant to try to make him gape his mouth because he really seems so fragile.

i use reptisafe . well i use the flukers version of repti safe its good for tap water forsure.
he also looks young like 1 or 2 months he should have a basking spot of like 82 not as hot as you previiusly posted 85-90 is too hot for that little guy 40w household should be fine
No leaking or tears. His skin around his eyes is clear. I would be so thrilled just to see him eat something. I added some mealworms hoping they would get his attention.
He has to be very young, so so little! He's got me concerned for sure. He is the newest and youngest baby in our house (read zoo) and so far the most worrisome!
Misting and dripper. I poked a hole in a water bottle and put it above the plants in his enclosure so it drips through the screen. I also have a fogger but the humidity was elevated, using the mist/drip system has been keeping the humidity at around 50%.

Yes, the eye closing is concerning but from previous posters it sounds like the bumbs I was recommended at the store were just too bright/warm.

The only other item that I have not seen posted was whether or not most people treat their water before providing it. I have been treating it with Reptisafe as directed on the bottle with all misting, drip, and fogging water. Is this correct?

I did try a little of the repti-boost earlier by just putting a little drop on his nose and he just doesnt seem interested. I am very hesitant to try to make him gape his mouth because he really seems so fragile.

dont force him to eat i think he will be ok but you gotta get his eyes to work so he can see the prey inorder to hunt cup or hand feeding would be best reptiboost should be ok. the proper dose for his wieght is important a little on his nose right at his lips is what i would do a couple few times a day he might catch on some times they like by instinct and like what they tasted
He has to be very young, so so little! He's got me concerned for sure. He is the newest and youngest baby in our house (read zoo) and so far the most worrisome!

they are very worriesome that small unfortunately alot of petstores buy baby veileds at 4 weeks old atleast here in london i know they do i asked all of them lol mine dont leave till they are three months and they are bigger then your guy by then for sure here is the boy i kept from my last clutch at 4.5 months

Chameleons and Reptiles 012.jpg
My little guy was at one of those big chain pet places. He was so adorable and my sons begged like champs. Since animals are well loved around here we decided to bring him home. In retrospect I probably should have found a more reputable place but the hope is to help him regain his health :) I live in the country and so far I have had trouble finding a vet that is qualified, I can't imagine what finding a breeder would be like.
My little guy was at one of those big chain pet places. He was so adorable and my sons begged like champs. Since animals are well loved around here we decided to bring him home. In retrospect I probably should have found a more reputable place but the hope is to help him regain his health :) I live in the country and so far I have had trouble finding a vet that is qualified, I can't imagine what finding a breeder would be like.

i think a vet is going to be a must do thing withyour little guy we can only help you with so much then he needs a pro with the meds to recover it sucks but thats my opinion on this problem
i gotta hit the hay but ill check back everyday too see your progress hope all works out anything you need help with let me know ill do my best to help you out :)
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