Very New Owner - just 4 days

hi there! im very proud of you for taking on this task i have had one little beardie that a have been doing the same thing you are doing for your cham he hes the same symtoms its very strange he gets his eyes open now but he sleeps alot and dont hunt but all i can say is keep doing what your doing you have support here thats for sure your doing the best you can do. awsome job!!!! he looks a little dehydrated but it could be the stress aswell. i know its a hard thing to go through it sucks you are an awsome person for taking care of this little one.:):):):):):):)
Hello all, well we have made it through another few days. Still aren't eating anything but baby food and repta-boost but he's eating a little more each day. His eyes are still tiny slits and he shows no interest in any feeders, not event flightless fruit flies. When I open his enclosure he seems to know it is time to eat because he gets right out onto my hand. When he is done eating he doesn't want to climb back off. In fact, as I type this he is walking around/sitting on my arm. Is this normal?????

Thoughts anyone? Is he looking any better?
Hmmmm.... I suggest a vet visit. Im not sure he had what I thought now. He should have bounced back from Conjunctivitis by now.... Unless it was a real bad case. Its good he is still hanging in there....But I would seek profesional help before he gets too weak...
I tried, the closest vet is about 45 minutes from here and she was concerned about him making the trip. I sent some pictures and she said with him being so small there wasnt much she could do that all I could do was try to get him to eat. She said he might be 6-8 weeks old. Does that sound accurate? The next closest vet is over 1.5 hours away, so I don't believe that car ride would be beneficial….
i would take in a fecal sample, it couln't hurt thats the only other thing you can do that you have not done yet imo (to bad the vets cant do home visits).

ps:glad too see you back:):):) and he is still improving:)
I will try the sample and see if I can at least drop it off to them. It would be SUPER if I could get a vet to do a home visit. It would be a full day of rounds for and I could get the whole "zoo" looked at all at once. Ha!

He seems to be doing a little better, he is voluntarily opening for the repta-boost (which I have now started referring to as the baby formula). I tried hand feeding all the most tempting feeders the internet had to offer a Chameleon to no avail. I don't know if he can't see them well enough or if he just isn't ready. He certainly knows when it is time for me to feed him now because there is no hesitation.

I wish the vet would let me bring him in but she just said that there really isnt anything she can do. That part is frustrating!
ya thats really frustrating even for me and he is not my cham. have you been feeding him any baby food in stead of reptiboost ? i would try to fit it in his shudule you can maybe mix it up a bit that would be good for him if you can make it work? hope you and your little on emake it though this. i still got my little beardie that wasnt eating and im still doing the same you are he is the only one i have left of the clutch but i wont sell sick babies. so im gonna keep her.:)
Yes, I've been alternating between the baby food applesauce, greenbeans, and chicken. The vet said to not give too much applesauce because the sugar could be too much for him. Ive been trying to get food into him at least 3 times a day because it is such small amounts. The last feeding today was the most I've had him eat which was about 1.5 ccs of the repti-boost/applesauce/water combination. I do have to make sure it is watered down a bit otherwise I'm concerned he may inhale it.
I finally got a good amount of pedialite, reptaboost, baby food in my guy tonight. He opened both eyes and showed some huge improvement. I may be able to even try hand feeding some small crickets very soon. If i stroke the underside of his mouth he opens quite wide for me, not every time but enough for me to get some food and fluids into him. He opened both eyes and they were clear and bright. He is sleeping now, but I am so hoping this continues. This is the best he has looked in a long while. So the question of the night is…How much, how often? I want to keep making progress but the only way to feed him is to handle him and i don't to stress him if not necessary. Do I go about this like I am caring for an infant and feed him every few hours, or morning and evening. Let me know what you think, thanks!
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