very well made fake...or is it?!

lol I love this video. My GF's friends from school.... mind you.. doing a masters program in education and getting their California teaching credential... showed her the video and were like 'is this what your chameleons can do?!?!?!'

It cracks me up how people think chams change colors to blend in... chameleons are just big mood rings.... the color is to scare off predators and to show mood/attract a mate. (generally speaking of course...)
My science teacher was telling the class about how chameleons can change color to their surroundings, I corrected her and she got all huffy puffy with me.
This would take me 30minutes in After Effects. You load up the footage, draw in an animated outline and add a color adjustment :cool:
Yea I saw this video too and was wondering if them could change some of these colors as well. I know they can change colors but idk if they can change that many. Does anyone have chamois that can change some cool color? Would love too see some pics of them!
My science teacher was telling the class about how chameleons can change color to their surroundings, I corrected her and she got all huffy puffy with me.

hahaha well you where right..they taught me "wrong" when i went to school too, know science disagrees with what we once thought of them..
haha yep...adobe after effects my much as id like this to be real...its a very...very...well-made hoax.
lol Love this video. This is actually how I convinced my husband to let me get a chameleon in the first place.... I am so evil!
lol Love this video. This is actually how I convinced my husband to let me get a chameleon in the first place.... I am so evil!

I DID THAT TOO (but for my girlfriend lol)!! She was like "Is this what were gonna have!!!" And I paused and calmly said... "Yes, yes we will"... I got pwned for it as soon as she realized I was lying though /: lol
I DID THAT TOO (but for my girlfriend lol)!! She was like "Is this what were gonna have!!!" And I paused and calmly said... "Yes, yes we will"... I got pwned for it as soon as she realized I was lying though /: lol

Awesome! Glad to know I'm not the only 'evil' one! lol
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