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we have Rango on a multivitamin and i am going to get some calcium tomorrow, the vitamin we have has everything in it but have been doing some reading and it says to give juveniles calcium every day, looking for opinions. our guy is about 6 months old, guessing here. but to me he doesnt seem to be growing so maybe hes younger? my husband says hes growing and my mother in law says hes growing, maybe to me he doesnt seem to be because i see him everyday but i dont know. hes healthy and very active, drinking water and eating like he should be so i may just be paranoid since we are first time chameleon parents.
Different breeders have different opinions but most of them agree in providing calcium without vitamin D3 four or five times a week, vitamin supplements twice a month and calcium with vitamin D3 twice a month. Make sure you also provide vitamin A. Many vitamin supplements do not provide vitamin A. The way I do it is calcium without D3 five days a week, day 6 nothing and day 7 I alternate between vitamins and calcium w/ D3 every week. Also, insects only need to be dusted, not baked... :D. Make sure you gut load insects.
Different breeders have different opinions but most of them agree in providing calcium without vitamin D3 four or five times a week, vitamin supplements twice a month and calcium with vitamin D3 twice a month. Make sure you also provide vitamin A. Many vitamin supplements do not provide vitamin A. The way I do it is calcium without D3 five days a week, day 6 nothing and day 7 I alternate between vitamins and calcium w/ D3 every week. Also, insects only need to be dusted, not baked... :D. Make sure you gut load insects.

I read that you werent supposed to give them vitamin A but beta carotene? our multivitamin has that in it.
A vet specialized in Reptiles and exotics was the one who told me about the vitamin A, but if you have the link I would like to read it. Now you have me thinking about it :(. I will do some more research. All I know is that you have to make sure that you do not provide too much vitamin A to any reptile because in excess it becomes poisonous.
Do you know about gutloading your crickets and feeders? Gutloading(feeding your feeders nutritious things to pass on to your chameleon) if done properly you should not have to give excess vitamin A. Feed your prey items fruits and vegetables that contain Vitamin A along with the suggested Multi vitamin(2x a month) which contains vit A or beta carotene and you should be fine. When chameleons start having certain eye problems it is always thought to be Vit A deficiency, and that is when people will usually give Vit A directly.
thanks carol. I agree with what you say. I just have to make sure the vitamin supplement i use also includes vit A (or beta carotene which is used to produce vit A by the metabolism) bc i have noticed that some supplements don't provide it. But gutloading is a must.
Do you know about gutloading your crickets and feeders? Gutloading(feeding your feeders nutritious things to pass on to your chameleon) if done properly you should not have to give excess vitamin A. Feed your prey items fruits and vegetables that contain Vitamin A along with the suggested Multi vitamin(2x a month) which contains vit A or beta carotene and you should be fine. When chameleons start having certain eye problems it is always thought to be Vit A deficiency, and that is when people will usually give Vit A directly.

yes i gutload my crickets and meal worms
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