Waiting for Werners babies

lisa h

New Member
I purchased an already gravid wc Werners, and she's getting pretty big, so I have a few questions.

First, about dropping the babies that don't come out of the sacs. I hijacked another thread (sorry), but I'll ask here. How hard? I worry that I might kill it. I previously opened the sacs of my Sternfeldi with a pin, but those babies ended up being weaker than the rest.

Second, I know that I need to set up the babies individually. I usually use deli cups, but I have a baby pygmy in a kritter keeper, which I like better. Do these Werners babies get set up on substrate, or on paper towel like the pygmies?

That's all I can think of right now. I don't know how much time I have to wait for babies, but I'd like everything sorted out before I see babies. I did searches on the subject already, and got some great info from the forum members, as usual.
T'is the season for werneri births so she can go anytime. The babies are born eating so make sure you've got plenty FF's and small crix.

1: Not too hard? I've dropped the sacs from 8-12" but usually just rolling them against a textured surface will get the babies out or a gentle tug on the sac will loosen it. Providing lots of cover in the cage for the sacs to drop against also helps.

2: Paper towel if you insist on a substrate. I don't use anything in my baby rearing cages and plastic totes.

Good luck!
Thanks! I'll call you in a state of frenzy, like I did with the others LOL. I hope they all come out of their sacs, because I don't want to drop them and kill them. Is it ok to open the sac for them if they're obviously not coming out?

I never thought about not using anything on the bottom. That makes life a lot easier, and the keepers easy to clean. What kind of rearing cages do you use? Do you put all of those in a tote?
HAHA! No worries, as long as it isn't during Saturday afternoon nap time. I get quite cantankerous without one.

Yes it okay to remove them from the sacs. Obviously try and get them out as soon as you can after birthing but without disturbing the female. As much as it's cool to watch them give birth, she doesn't need the extra distractions. Leave her alone, she knows what to do. Having a well planted cage will give the female plenty options as to where to drop the babies and also lots of places were the sacs can catch hold and open as they fall.

My baby cages/totes are nothing fancy. Right now I'm raising some baby cristatus and this their current home(s). One animal per tote. A small Rubbermaid, some plastic plants from the dollar store and UV light. I'm not using any supplemental heat right now as we are experiencing a heat wave here in Ottawa. Once the temperatures drop to something a little more reasonable I'll hang a low wattage light over the bins. Cleaning the totes with this set-up takes no time at all and the animals don't know they aren't in the wild and they feel safe and secure inside.

I had more success raising werneri if I reared them separately or in pairs. There was less competition for food and resources so I strongly suggest that for you. I also CAN NOT stress enough that they need high humidity and lots of water every day. Aim for 80% humidity or more. Raising in plastic bins definitely helps keep the humidity up. Getting the babies outside for natural sun, even for a few hours a day, helps immensely as well.


While I was typing that someone just figured out how to escape their bin. I am not amused. Looks like someone is moving to the next size up tote tomorrow.


Haha. "See ya!" he says. "Gotta go". Babies are just too cute!

I'm glad you sent me those pictures. I was thinking of something totally different, and that wouldn't have given the babies enough cover/opportunity to hide. I'll have to put lids on mine (we have cats), and that will help with the high humidity they need. I'm going to try and find a place with a good supply of small kritter keepers, and that should do me.

Mom is in a very heavily planted enclosure. She's pretty shy, as compared to my Sternfeldi, so I give her all the privacy she wants. I read that they won't eat their babies, so I'll let her get done before I start poking around in there. It will give me time to set up enclosures, and run out to buy more if I need!

Do you suggest a set up like this for baby pygmies (Brevs)? I have each one seperate, but I have only a couple of plant trimmings in each container. Maybe they need more privacy? What's your opinion? They range in age from a week, to half a day old :D Cuties for sure!

Thanks, as always, for your help! BTW, I'm an afternoon napper, so I won't be calling you during nap time. :)
While you are at the dollar store for plastic plants (wash well before use!) check for cheap Kritter Keepers - they are usually in the kids toy section.

I have never experienced the mother eating her offspring. Not to say that it will ever happen but you do have time to get the babies out of her cage. Birthing happens in the morning and takes just a few hours.

The same set-up can be used for the brevicaudatus but they can be raised in groups if you want. They don't seem to be as aggressive towards each other like the Werners' are. They way you have them set-up now will work as well so whatever is easier for you.
Dollarama here I come! LOL

From your previous posts, I know not to raise the Werners together. I usually put the brevs together, but there's been such a span in hatching time, and such a big difference in size that I thought I'd keep them seperate until they all catch up. The eggs are all insitu, so I honestly don't know how many clutches or how many eggs I have. I think I'm going to have pygmies coming out of my ears! Not a bad thing to have babies around again.
Hi Lisa,
Sorry was not on net yesterday.
I am keeping mine individually in deli cups and spraying 2 x day. It is very warm and humid here right not. I am a bit worried about the temperature but there is nothing I can do about it. they are in the coolest part of the house.

Responding to your ?? from the other post- a pair was obtained from Mirdo imports at my store in May. The male died suddenly, no cause found. The female was obviously gravid and was very stressed from all the people, so I traded some beardies for her.
I will check later if the babies started to eat. Once they are doing well and eating, I will give them each more space.
I found one that escaped from the mom's cage on the stairs. It was alive but eyes closed. It did not make it. My cats probably played with it :(
Good luck with your babies. Keep feeding mom as she should eat until the day before giving birth.
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