Wanna Guess a Panther Locale?


Retired Moderator
Ok, to start this off, I really, truly don't know the answer to this. These are the biggest of the male babies from a clutch produced from a gravid import. I'm starting to wonder if they're really from the region they were sold to me as. I'm going to keep them all until it is clear what they are. Wanna take some guesses at what regional color morph they are (and explain your reasoning) and see how they turn out in a few months?




The orangeyness with the hint of green makes me want to say Sambava. :D

Ohhh I love these games! ;)
I'm going purely on a guess, but my guess is Ambanja because of his face. I've noticed Ambanja's have a lot more striping in their face and he has a very vibrant face.
That being said, it could really be anything from that area (Nosy Faly / Ambanja / Ambato / etc) I think even Nosy Be WC show that disctinct facial stiping (still in the same area)
I would say ambanja, but could be something like nosy mitsio.
My female looks identical, and the green and stripes in the face is common with ambanjas.

What did you buy the female as?
Im going for Sambava cross Ambilobe x Diego Suarez with a touch of Nosy faly and a splash of Tamatave, also looks like either of the parents could of been Ankaramy x Nosy Mitsio with some intermediate Ambanja pssibly? :confused:

Come on its so small and the colours are not even coming out yet really so could be anything:D

Nice game though..... I had fun:D
Oh and its a female......................... Now we will really know:rolleyes:

What did you buy it as?

HE stated it was wild caught, so crosses are out of the question. What was it sold to you as ? I have a group of CH Ambanjas that im raising up right now. They do not have the same coloration or marking in the pictures provided.


  • chambanaja.jpg
    3 KB · Views: 714
The first two pics are the same animal and the last two pics are another. Both are males. They have both been getting quite orangish all over and look to have some red bars coming in. I think the last two pics show the color best. Should I spill the beans now on what their mother was sold to me as or wait for a few more guesses? :cool:
I'm gonna be different and say Ambilobe.

I've seen a few little guys with similar coloring, the orange and greenish hint.
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