Want a cham!!

I understand, currently it's tough all over not just in the UK. But I guess I would counter point that it wll be that much harder to move out on his (or her?) own if you have an animal to care for. Wether it be a cat, a dog or a cham. You're just adding unecessary expenses. If he's not fiscally responsable enough to make the tough choices over needs vs wants he may never move out.
Youve missed the point ive had my own gaff before was all good could always pay rent and stuff until i split with the ex and i wont be movein out until i am financaily stable and i want a cham in the meantime
I was in a similar situation a year ago financially and what not and I really wanted a Cham. But I waited 10 months until I was up on my feet and had stability in my life before I bought my first Cham. Looking back I'm glad that I waited because I was able to spend the money on the Cham that I really wanted and provide him with an amazing habitat. Being able to spoil my little guy and know that he's receiving excellent care on my behalf is an extremely rewarding experience! Best of luck to ya!
I have my own place and rent with my boyfriend, but I still had an awful time with my first chameleon impulse rescue. Gratefully a lot of kind people here helped me out, but I wish it didn't have to get to that you know? A chameleon is a lot of work and expense. The setup alone to do it right will cost at least $300, the chameleon depending what species anywhere from $50 to $2000! plus in only the past few months I have spent over $450 in just vet bills alone and it wasn't because of my set up these guys do get sick seemingly out of the blue just like any other pet.! I was smart and started my own roach colony but it is so much work and dedication to own a chameleon, you need to make sure you have at least $400 up front and a reserve money account for vet, food, and other expenses necessary to keep a chameleon alive and healthy. Even now I sometimes don't have enough money between all the bills to pay for myself to eat, but I make sure my animals are well taken care of.
Well I've wanted a chameleon for years and years ever since my cousin jamie started breeding them, i helped out cleaning cages and stuff for him sometimes, always wanted one but wasn't financially secure and wasn't in the best situation, I've been moved out now for around a 2 years all together and been moved out with my boyfriend for around a year and a half now, and we both decided to get zuggie for christmas as a prezzie to each other :D and it was trial and error at first but was lucky to have my cousin to turn to for advise (before i found this forum :D)
But its the best thing I've ever done he's just amazing!!!! Ive spent atleast £800 on my little guy so far thats not including food and left myself with zero penny's left just so zug's has the best of the best!!! :) , zuggieslittlehelper (jason) knows this as hes been here since the day we got him so he knows everything he needs to know about chams, and their care and cost etc, he loves zuggie and when he stops over he even gets up early in the morning to feed him etc and let me go to work, :D lol he even helps with breeding the feeders and stuff too so he knows what he is doing and he's interested in it all.......
I think the best time to do it would be when u live at home, as he doesn't have the financial worries that follow with having your own place... So at least he can get him fully set up (because he can as he works full time so money isn't the problem)
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