want to hold my panther


New Member
i have a 1 yr old panther. he is doing great but every time i try to hold him he wants to bite me. I can not get my hand close to him. he will blow up and gasp at me. always on guard even when passing the the cage he will turn to side of branch away from me any tips please. thanks
i have a 1 yr old panther. he is doing great but every time i try to hold him he wants to bite me. I can not get my hand close to him. he will blow up and gasp at me. always on guard even when passing the the cage he will turn to side of branch away from me any tips please. thanks

Hello! I have a Faly that I can predict is going to be the same way, he is only about 4 months old now. The only thing I could suggest is starting to introduce hand feeding to him, its a good way to show them you're not scary, and will associate you with yummy food! I've read some stories of chams doing a complete 180 once hand feeding was established. If you do a search on the forums you can read all about techniques and things like that, youtube is a good resource too. Hope this helped, good luck!:)
attempting to hand feed would be my suggestion also.
my cham can't resisit a phoenix worm wiggling.
although i must admit i don't enjoy it nearly as much :eek:
Nothing gets them hand feeding faster than a blue bottle fly buzzing between your fingers. I think hand feeding is a better "connection" with your cham than holding it. Always makes me grin from ear to ear.

Good luck!
Try to get him moving and just put your hand under him to pick him up. After the first few times, they get less pissed.
I'm in the same situation with my young veiled, Like you anytime I put my hand near her in the enclosure she goes nuts.
1-3 times a week when I come back home from work I take her out and put her in my big umbrella tree for 30-45min, she loves it, She seems to be more relaxed during handling after this. it just takes time, I even get a little impatient but I try my best to not pester her too much. I've tried hand feeding but no luck yet! I've only had her for almost 2 weeks though.
best wishes!
hand feeding and sneaking another hand infront of them when they are on the go is good trick,one i have used with my jacksons is warm up your hands first,and do it soon after you turn their lights on,they are usually going to bask to get warm,sneak your warm hand in then..
Putting your hand in the cage close to him, and waiting for him to crawl onto your hand usually works well for me...it takes a little while for him to want to, but eventually he does. That way your not reaching in and trying to grab at him and letting him decide to make the move. Mine also thinks my rings are food sometimes and comes to me sticking his tongue out at them...lol no idea why! But its cute.
will a panther bite he opens his mouth then i pull my hand back. will he bite me if i try to put my hand under him?
He may try to bite you if you put your hand under him but you're not a cham keeper til you've been bitten, so suck it up and take the risk!! :D

Seriously though, I've been bitten many times by my veiled's and it doesn't really hurt - more of a shock at the strength of their jaws and how quick they can SNAP that jaw on your hand/finger! I have also been a bit indignant after being bitten because I never think its wise to bite the hand that feeds you - literally!! Haha...

One question though, how long have you had him? If you've only had him a short time he may be very nervous and stressed out from the move to a new home and may need a bit more time to get used to things! Good luck!
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