Water bowl

Yeah sorry I forgot to say that and i saw this tutorial where you can put like a "window" that you can open and see if they want to breed whenever they are adults which i'm not trying yet, they are 2 or 3 months I cant really rememebr qhen they can breed
Hey man i know your gonna do what ever you want but at least seperate them until your home and you can witness them interacting if your at work and they are stuck in a cage i dont care if it is a 2x2x4 your felame could fall in a desprite attemt to get away from the male theres a ton of issues if you insist on doing it fine but at least give it to your chams to be there to super ise them for the firat few days or so and then if ypu still feel the need then do it but youve been warned, i hope the best though for you! just keep your pets health and well being in mind.
Please don’t encourage him.
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