Avid Member
I should also note that edema can be caused in a few days by feeding crickets dusted with pure calcium (no D3) if those crickets were gutloaded with D3 fortified foods, which supports that hypervitaminosis D3 is often the cause of organ malfunction. Feeding crickets or any insects that have a high phosphorus to calcium ratio, as most feeders usually have with the exception of black soldier fly larvae, will, over time, result in metabolic bone disease if not corrected for by adding additional calcium (dusting with pure calcium or gutloading with high calcium greens, etc.), but too much dietary D3 can, in short order (a matter of days with montane species), definitely cause organ malfunction resulting in edema. I've never experienced an edema in montanes by feeding non-dusted insects (high phosphorus to calcium ratio) that were not gutloaded with vitamin fortified foods.
Which commonly used foods would you say are vitamin D fortified? I mainly use veggies, none of which are high in vitamin D so I am assuming you are referring to some dry or commercial gut loads?