Watering system? (and short Introduction!)


New Member
Im new to the forum. My name is Mark. I dont have a chameleon at the moment, but I have previously owned 4 rudis and 1 veiled. I am looking into getting a panther, most likely ambilobe. Any other questions, feel free to ask.

So on to the question. I have read about people having complicated watering systems that have something constantly misting (on a timed interval) or dripping so that the Chameleon can always have some type of water if it needs some. Does anyone here have something like that? If so, I would love to see it and hear about it.

Ive never seen the mistking. I do have experience with the dripper though. How do you keep the water from piling up on the bottom of the cage? What I did was I put large bowl on the bottom (not high, maybe only 2 or 3" high, but wide) and sat a potted plant in it. Then I dripped the water onto the plant. The Veiled drank from it and whatever he didnt drink went into the plant. Whatever that didnt drink (rarely anything at all by now), went into the bowl to be basted up with a turkey baster.

and as for a constant dripper you can look at the Big Dripper on lllreptile.com, from what i've read if you set ti to drip approx. once per second then it will last all day. Or alot of people take a solo cup and poke a needle size hole in the bottom to use as a dripper.
Most people dont recomend using an aquarium unless you live in a fairly cold climate or have a poorly cham. For my dripper I have a plant water catching dish thing that I covered with mesh so that my cham can't climb in and drown. If you use a screen cage, as is recomended for most chameleons, they usually come with a PVC bottom or a plastic tray bottom that you can poke a few holes in and have a bucket or catch of some sort under it to catch the water.
whre are you from? most people will never advise an aquarium to be used, look on lllreptile or diycages.com at the screen cages
Im sorry. I just finished cleaning the cichlid tank and posting a thread on a fish forum I'm also on. I meant cage, accidentally put aquarium because thats what I use on the forum I just got off of. So (fixed in my original post), sorry about that. I, too, used a screened in aluminum frame cage and will use one again with the new addition. I will have a look at the link.

Thanks again.
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