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First I want to start off by saying what a great site to have found, secondly I wish that I would have found this site under different circumstances. My name is Ashley, i'm the owner, and I have adopted a viled, translate, female chameleon named Raffy. She is still very small and I don't know what her age is but it seems to be younger than 6 months, I purchased her at a PetCo in North Carolina and she was a beautiful, healthy, moving around, feisty, and happy chameleon. While we have had her 2 weeks today but i was cleaning her tank on 10/27/20 and seen worms in her poop!!! I freaked out and called our local vet which sees reptiles and we got an appointment the next morning, 10/28/20, and after a long 45 minute wait the vet cleared her said that they were not intestinal worms but they were fly larva and said that i had a very healthy chameleon. I brought her home put her in her cage she seemed healthy and happy and then I went to work about an 8 hour shift, my parents were home in and out of the room checking on her and everything was normal. The next day, 10/29/20, I went to go check on her and she is hanging up sidedown in her cage which i thought was odd but didn't question it, she ate two medium sized super worms and when she started climbing I noticed it was weird, she acted like she couldn't get her legs to latch on to the vine. I thought she was stressed from the vet visit so I helped her climb to the top of her cage and decided to leave her alone for a while, thinking i was gonna do more harm than good if I continued to bother her. I had checked on her a few times and she was in the same spot, I thought ah she is basking; boy was I wrong, about 10:30 that night my parents started yelling for me to come look at her and she is laying flat on the bottom of her enclosure, I went into full panic mode, I picked her up while she was in my hand she could not stand up! So I put her in her little carry on thinking she was extremely cold and checked on her all throughout the night she was still the same. About 6 am on 10/30/20 she looked really good, she was her normal green, when i reached in to touch her she puffed up and moved away but she still wasn't standing. About 10 am, I had to work, I came home and she looked good but she wasn't standing, I picked her up and placed her back down and its like her legs have no strength to hold her up. Instantly I was on the way back to the vet and they rushed her back, they kept her from 10 am to 5 pm heating her up they stated her temp was way to low, her cage was to large, give me some reading material, sent me on my way; she looked good but still wasn't moving. So the vet recommended throwing some vines and things into a rectangle aquarium so that she would be closer to her lights. While today when I got up, checked on her, she was still the same laying there but sometimes she would be at the bottom of the tank so that indicated she moved, I tried to give her a super worm but she got it in her mouth and ate a piece of it not the whole thing. I could really use some advice guys when I got home to night from work she looked as if she was on her death bed, going in and out of sleep, and not moving, she was this dark green color, I got her under all the lights again. Its like it just happened over night but I have her in a small enclosure keeping her warm and under a UVB light for now. Also before I forget she is started to go through her shed, you may be able to see that in the pictures and things. Also when you are looking at the images the first 6, JMG 759-753, are of her tonight but the last 4, JMG 712-697 are of the day i got her and a day or so after wards.
I could really use anyone's help thanks guys.
I could really use anyone's help thanks guys.
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