weird question


Friendly Grasshopper
ok so i was feeding one of my girls a superworm and after she was done eating it i noticed that her upper lip looked funny. i thought nothing of it and proceeded to give her a drink and i could def, tell something was weird.
so i took her out and her upper lip had fillep up over her snout, inside out if you know what i mean.. i gave her a little rub and she seemd to try and fix it so i took my figer and gently flipped it back over, it was tight tho, but shes all good now.
just curious if anyone has ever seem this before.

Ya nothing might not be wrong just never heard of it.. I could search it and see if I find something for ya.
nope and now its perfectly fine.. it was just like if you flip the rim of a ballcap up, the pressure kinda held it there till i flipped it down, now shes totally fine.
Well I suppose as long as she looks fine she should be fine. Just keep watch on her like you said. Itd be one thing if you said it was swollen or if it looked discolored. I was searching but I dont seem to see anything like this from anyone else.
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ya, she seemed fine with it, just curious if anyone has ever seem such a thing
thanks tho
Ya you should try to keep this thread going im sure someoens had to have the same experience at one point in time.
im sure one of my more experienced friends will see it and chime in at some point..
if i didnt spend hours a day watching and looking at my chams i prob would have missed it..
Thats happen to one of mine before. When she came out of the shipping box it was like that. But we folded it back and she was fine.
Yes it was ole momma, and she seemed totally finr kinda happy I fixed it for her I think.
Man I get the weird ones LoL

You really do have all the weird stuff happen. I didn't want to say it, but if the shoe fits.:D It is a good thing you are so conscious of the health of your chams.
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