Weird white spots


New Member
So I have had this chameleon since wednesday, and he shed on thursday. The thing is on friday and saturday he started showing this white area primarily around the top of the tail, and faintly on the top of his head. I saw him shed the skin off his head, so don't think it is leftover skin. Just wondering what might be causing this?? It typically only shows when he is basking or around the light I think, when I see him walking around or when im spraying the cage it doesn't seem to be there.


By fallendude0 at 2012-03-25

By fallendude0 at 2012-03-25
it appears to be shed. The light will dry it out even more and that is why you probably see it while your cham is basking.
ok great. I had read that somewhere but only like to trust this website. haha. Ever since I got him it's like I think about him 24/7. How long does leftover shed tend to stay like that?
well did he ever shed anything else besides his head? Usually when they are young like that they will shed pretty quickly, their whole bodies. You could always take some warm water and try misting his skin in that spot. They do tend to cause us to worry!!! get used to it! lol! I really don't think it is anything serious.
Yeah I know for sure he shed his body and top of head, don't remember the tail. He is still active and I have seen him drink on multiple occassions. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't something ya'll thought should be addressed right away.
not that I can see from the pic. Sometimes my cham will take quite awhile to shed a body part but he is much older than yours and that is more the norm. from what I can see in the pic I think it is just shed left over or maybe the start of a shed. Welcome to the wonderful world of worrying!!!:p
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