Well.. He's finally here!!!


New Member
So after a LONG wait my beautiful boy is here :)

He's a nosy be and between 1-1.5yrs old.

Not a great pic and he's a little dark with settling in but here it is anyway!

I haven't decided on a name yet but hoping the right one will pop into my head soon :)

He's already got a great little character about him and exploring around his new penthouse suite haha.. I've seen him drinking and he even put himself to bed tonight!

I'm such a proud mummy!! :p
How did you get that cham in the UAE? I can't even think about the work you had to do. But you have a lovely guy there. m
Maybe name him after an astronaut since he is such a traveler. The only one of those guys I know personally is Buzz Aldrin. He is super, so you can go wrong with Buzz
Congrats! Excellent choice on the Nosy Be :D

My Nosy Be Moe looked like that for about a week before he settled in and showed me his bright colors...
Thanks Everyone!

It is so lovely to have a place to share my excitement with others who understand.. haha..

I'll post some pics in about a week or so in the General Photography section once he settles in and his colours come out :)

@deadhd5 - thanks for sharing your experience. About a week was what I was thinking, but it is lovely to have confirmation from another who has a Nosy Be.

@CarlyMK - IKEA! about US$6 for a bunch of 6 sticks each around 5ft? They are clean and free of paint or lacquer and I just cut them down to suit me and make the jungle gym I thought I would enjoy if I were him :D

@laurie - you have NO IDEA how much I've gone through to get him here! I did get him through a wholesale supplier who imports animals here to the UAE. I felt it would be too hard to get him here on my own. I believe he has come from Europe (generally the ones that come in from Madagascar are WC and I personally don't feel comfortable owning a cham that has been taken from its natural habitat) and I know for sure he is CBB... so yes, he is quite the traveller!! Buzz is definitely an option and one I'd have never thought of otherwise :)

@SouthCaliChameleon - YES IT IS!!!!! :D I am lucky enough to have an understanding family who know that for me he is not just a "lizard" and who helped pay as a Christmas present... I am one lucky girl!

@squeekz - thanks mate for always following me and throwing in a few words :p

I will be taking him to the vet over the next week or so for a check up and (fingers crossed) take in a good faecal sample just to make sure everything is OK and I haven't missed anything on my once over.. I don't want to handle him unless its necessary for the next few days..

I will consult with my darling Penelope on what his name should be.. she will know what will suit him best :) I miss her terribly xxx

Sorry for the long post, but I feel rude when I don't reply and answer back to people! :p

EEEP!!! I'm so happy I could pop!!
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