Established Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Panther, Male, 2mo 3 weeks. In my care for 3 weeks.
Handling - Almost daily I put him in his tree for a couple of hours. Also clean cage at the same time. He's been running onto my hand when I put his feeding cup in there.
Feeding - Staple food is crickets(gutloaded with Flukers cal, carrots, Romaine). He eats about 15 medium a day. I also gave him silkworms and superworms.
Supplements - Cal daily, D3 2x a month. Vitamins once a week. (I think) Schedule from breeder. (Rep Cal, Rep Cal w/D3, Reptivite no D3, Minerall no D3)
Watering - Dripper running 24/7, mister running 4x a day for 1m, hand spraying whenever cage looks dry.
Fecal Description - This morning's poop was very wet. Not solid at all and smelled a bit. The past few days it was more solid. Last week it was also wet. I thought it was the silkworms, so I stopped feeding them for a bit. Yesterday he ate superworms. I don't know if that can cause wet stools. Never did a fecal float.
History - MY concern is a parasite or something, but it seems like his stool gets loose when I give him either silkworms or superworms. I'm going to only give him crickets for the next day and test it out.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage 24x18x36
Lighting - Basking bulb and linear UVB
Temperature - Basking temp is around 90F, lowest temp in cage is 72F. Nighttime temp is around 72. Tested with thermometer and temp gun.
Humidity - Humidity stays between 50 and 60%.
Plants - Yes. Pothos, Rabbits foot fern, Croton, Schefflera
Placement - Cage is on a chest. 30" high. No drafts.
Location - Northeast PA.
Current Problem - Cosmic's poop was very runny this morning and may have had a smell. I've been watching his poop because it was runny last week after I fed him silkworms. I cut back on the silkworms and it got more firm. Last night, I was feeding him superworms as a treat. He ate 3 larger ones. Yesterdays poop (before eating the superworms)was mostly normal if not a little bit wet. Todays was very runny. Would superworms cause this? Maybe the additional hydration? He is still eating and growing well. Yesterday, after I put him back in his enclosure, he did turn pure black. I thought it was in respnse to me putting a superworm in his cage. He seems scared of them sometimes.
If it's not cleared up by tomorrow, I figure I should try to get a fecal float from my vet. Sound about right?
Your Chameleon - Panther, Male, 2mo 3 weeks. In my care for 3 weeks.
Handling - Almost daily I put him in his tree for a couple of hours. Also clean cage at the same time. He's been running onto my hand when I put his feeding cup in there.
Feeding - Staple food is crickets(gutloaded with Flukers cal, carrots, Romaine). He eats about 15 medium a day. I also gave him silkworms and superworms.
Supplements - Cal daily, D3 2x a month. Vitamins once a week. (I think) Schedule from breeder. (Rep Cal, Rep Cal w/D3, Reptivite no D3, Minerall no D3)
Watering - Dripper running 24/7, mister running 4x a day for 1m, hand spraying whenever cage looks dry.
Fecal Description - This morning's poop was very wet. Not solid at all and smelled a bit. The past few days it was more solid. Last week it was also wet. I thought it was the silkworms, so I stopped feeding them for a bit. Yesterday he ate superworms. I don't know if that can cause wet stools. Never did a fecal float.
History - MY concern is a parasite or something, but it seems like his stool gets loose when I give him either silkworms or superworms. I'm going to only give him crickets for the next day and test it out.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage 24x18x36
Lighting - Basking bulb and linear UVB
Temperature - Basking temp is around 90F, lowest temp in cage is 72F. Nighttime temp is around 72. Tested with thermometer and temp gun.
Humidity - Humidity stays between 50 and 60%.
Plants - Yes. Pothos, Rabbits foot fern, Croton, Schefflera
Placement - Cage is on a chest. 30" high. No drafts.
Location - Northeast PA.
Current Problem - Cosmic's poop was very runny this morning and may have had a smell. I've been watching his poop because it was runny last week after I fed him silkworms. I cut back on the silkworms and it got more firm. Last night, I was feeding him superworms as a treat. He ate 3 larger ones. Yesterdays poop (before eating the superworms)was mostly normal if not a little bit wet. Todays was very runny. Would superworms cause this? Maybe the additional hydration? He is still eating and growing well. Yesterday, after I put him back in his enclosure, he did turn pure black. I thought it was in respnse to me putting a superworm in his cage. He seems scared of them sometimes.
If it's not cleared up by tomorrow, I figure I should try to get a fecal float from my vet. Sound about right?