What a bad enclosure :(

Maybe instead of criticizing this person for their set up. and posting about it on a forum maybe it would be more beneficial for you to tell this person that you see some things that could use some improving and direct him/her to the forum where they can get all the help they need on getting their chameleon back on track. Just my opinion though

Edit: Thank you Murrdox :D
Maybe instead of criticizing this person for their set up. and posting about it on a forum maybe it would be more beneficial for you to tell this person that you see some things that could use some improving and direct him/her to the forum where they can get all the help they need on getting their chameleon back on track. Just my opinion though

That's my opinion to!

That's also a good example of no.research being done and relying on petsmart experts to help set up a habitat.

We all need to leave comments saying there are things you should know join
Chameleonforum.com and read till u can't read anymore!
This person has some chameleon videos going back about 6 months... so hopefully Leon is still healthy. I tried to leave a helpful comment on the video.

Several of his videos involve stressing his chameleon out and doing things like getting it to strike its tongue at a plastic container... can't say I'm a fan of things like that.

I've seen worse setups in petstores, so I'm thankful for that at least.
You think thats bad, watch his other videos.

Specifically: Chameleon vs. Alligator and I tricked my chameleon...
I hate people like thatt :mad:
and I was on facebook a few months ago and this girl in my grade added a pic of her holding her new cham named pascal no doubt she didnt even know what a cham was before disneys tangled later that night she added more pics of the cham walking on her bed and the next day she had another pic of the cham on her finger. yea i sound nosey but even her mom tagged pictures of the cham and i never saw pics of the cage i bet its the same as the video :(
and she probably doesnt even know what supplementing is
seeing that she put those pics up on february and the movie came out close december makes me think she doesnt know anything..
watching chameleon vs alligator...read comments

WTF mean f***s
shaunk333 2 months ago
Give me a break only did this to him twice and they have to do this everyday in the wild in order to survive, this is just a demonstration of the defensive mechanism its not like he got hurt or anything
TheLeonChameleon in reply to shaunk333 2 months ago

its not like he got hurt or anything.....

its not like he got hurt or anything...............

its not like he got hurt or anything.......................................

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They should have a book for every species that a commercial petstore has to sendthe buyer home with by law that has basic husbandry and informative places to go for extended research.
Last week I had to tell a petsmart employee that there dripper dripping into a bowl at the bottom (the dripper sat 3in. Above the bowl) wasn't enough.
They let me redesign there cage :)
watching chameleon vs alligator...read comments

WTF mean ****

Please remember there are kids on here

My response to the original post is that its not too surprising when that is exactly what you will see in pet stores. not all people who work there are incompetent. However, i would recommend finding someone with personal experience, not store taught knowledge. Is is harder to find however it would be worth it for people to search for someone with experience in the field that they wish to pursue. When i worked at these types of chain stores i strongly urged people to take time and do research before hand, rather then dive right in and learn as they go. Knowledge is power and there is no substitute for that.
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