Chameleon Enthusiast
Today I got my new Nosy be 5 month old boy that was imported by Rob from chamelon nation. I'd like to thank Rob for taking the time for importing from chameleon nation, he brought some amazing chams to the states. I'd also like to thank Ryan for delivering him to Vegas for me since I could not have him shipped Ryan and Rob are two amazing people! Well this little guy is already so blue and is shedding atm so I gave him a shower before putting him in his new cage. Also my ambanja Dr. Thompson is really starting to grow rapidly now. His colors are getting more and more vibrant. And last but not least my nosy be female Ariel started digging today and is really active walking all around her cage looking for a place to lay her infertile eggs. This will be her first clutch so wish her luck! Here are a few pics, Enjoy