What are Some of Your Favorite Songs and Music Videos?

Just do like me, and dont go to work:p

Im not really a predator fan, but Alien...oh god...

DND is a deep dark hole thats hard to get out of, the learning curve keeps most people safe though...myself, Ive been clean almost ten year now:) but back in HS...

i can't not work. I need to support my addictions (e.g. reptiles, predaliens...) =)
no Dnd for me! After I wasted a year of my precious life to WoW, I'm really cautious:D

and there's a fantastic track


Great Song!

Heres another great one!

Another Great Song!

Have an urge to share that. Really relevant to my newly single state:

Crazy Video.

Lol, its been awhile since Ive seen that...and hey, single is the way to be yo :cool:

Single and RPGs reminds of this vid, which Im sure weve posted before...

It's been posted however OK to post again.

Just do like me, and dont go to work:p

Im not really a predator fan, but Alien...oh god...

DND is a deep dark hole thats hard to get out of, the learning curve keeps most people safe though...myself, Ive been clean almost ten year now:) but back in HS...

Good Movie.

Oh man!!!!

I have to admit, Ive not been a huge fan of the majority of the jams youve posted. Not personal, just a preference thing.

However, I have this original track on vinyl, and its one of my favorites!!!
This is not a bad remix at all. I actually like playing it at 33 (its supposed to be at 45) and slowly working it up to speed! :D

I may have to hook up the serato, and record it how I think it should be played, an excellent track my friend...
Oh man!!!!

I have to admit, Ive not been a huge fan of the majority of the jams youve posted. Not personal, just a preference thing.

However, I have this original track on vinyl, and its one of my favorites!!!
This is not a bad remix at all. I actually like playing it at 33 (its supposed to be at 45) and slowly working it up to speed! :D

I may have to hook up the serato, and record it how I think it should be played, an excellent track my friend...

AH yea brother!!!!!!
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