What are the chances of escape?


New Member
I built my veiled a cage that has...um...flaws. What are the chances he will try to escape? Or will he chill in his nice huge area with live plants. Do I need to have every single nook and cranny covered? My bearded dragon is pretty calm and I don't really need to worry about escaping, but I don't really know about chams.
I don't know about your cham, mine isn't a veiled but she likes to explore and tries to escape but she is wild caught, equally important though - what about bugs escaping?
I'd try and cover every crack YOU can think your cham will escape from. CB or wild caught they do try and escape... i built a huge outdoor enclsure for mine, the second i put him in the second he went str8 for the walls (no matter the amount of foliage) he tried putting his head through the wire 3 times before he acctually managed to squeeze through it.

I am using a cup feeder. I put him in the cage and he seems to be much happier. He picked a spot to hide that I was not expecting. I have an umbrella tree and a hibiscus in there and he chose way on the other side of the cage on his fake vines he had in his smaller cage. Go figure! I tried to cover the big gaps I was just worried about small places to squeeze through. If he does get out he will be in an enclosed area so he should be safe till I get home from work.
Flaws as in I didn't do such a great job in making this thing. I just "winged it" when I was building it. Alot of places where the wood just doesn't quite come together. I can't get a full view pic because I can't step far enough from it. I have a tiny house. Here it is not finished




Not too bad...so where do you think there would be a security breach....

Other than the hole on the left side that I saw, and that looks like you were gonna finish it out...it looks pretty good. How is the mesh being held in place?

One more thing is there were a few areas where the ends were still pretty rough.(splintered)...you might think about taking a utility knife and cutting splinters off....

can you take pics of the areas that you think might be a problem..:eek:

Nice cham btw....

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