What are your "real" jobs

College student as well, double majoring in molecular and general (and possibly a third) biology. In theory I only have a year left LOL.

After this, who knows.
Well. I'm a high school student looking into colleges for Architecture, Veterinary Care specializing in reptiles, and Photography. Just need to decide, but I do work at a grocery store called Hy-Vee. (Midwest thing).
For the first 20 plus years I worked in a factory as a large stamping press operator. The plant closed down and I went back to school for 3 years graduated with honors 30 years after graduating high school. I am now a Respiratory Therapist and really prefer working in rural hospital's over the ones in the larger cities. They treat you better, the pay is better and you have much more time to take care of your patients needs.

That being said.........I am currently exploring the idea of doing home care. I seem to do the best with the older "cranky" patients than most can. An older person doesn't like people half their age coming in and telling them what they "have" to do. Well, come to think of it.......neither do I. :D

So..........I guess I am living proof that you can teach an old dog, new tricks. :eek:
In less than a year I will finally be a veterinarian!! I've been a student for my entire life and am so ready to get out into the real world. But in college I was a veterinary technician, worked in a research lab with avian influenza (got published!), and was a computer systems tech during vet school along with various petsitting jobs on the side. During the summers of vet school I taught summer camps for high schoolers wanting to be future vets. So plenty of little jobs but ready to finally have a grown up job. ;)
I was a Vet Tech for 20yrs..Back to school and now I've been an Ultrasound Technologist for the last 13yrs. Miss the animals everyday which is prob why I keep a zoo...but money is money. Kids to provide for. Great job...never dull.
Second year at the University of Miami studying to be an Aerospace Engineer with a minor in math. I am also a pilot, soon to be commercial pilot.
wow we are a diverse group here!!! i only work part time and I clean houses a few days a week and take care of a few seasonal properties here in Florida. Been doing this for 20 yrs now and trying to wind down!!!
For "Real work"

I'm an accountant for a large construction company here in the Portland, Oregon area....

Though, it is in my 5 year plan to open up a reptile store here locally - as there is only really ONE good one here and it is clear across town! :)
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