What are your "real" jobs

Hey Chad, I'll see you in 5 hours. I'm gonna leave Los Angeles in about an hour... seriously. I'll be in town until Saturday evening.

Bring a jacket, i was just in vegas on monday tues and wed. It was friggin cold. I won 200 bucks though :)
Bring a jacket, i was just in vegas on monday tues and wed. It was friggin cold. I won 200 bucks though :)

It didn't drop below 50F the entire time I was there so it wasn't a big deal. I don't spend any time outdoors when I'm in Vegas, anyway. Congrats on your winnings, I'm down $80. I'll be back in May for revenge. =)
Tele-sales (Inbound calles) for a big company. I am in awe of Royden. I am a wanna be artist LOL. Working full time and taking care of all our animals does not leave me enough time at the moment to draw tho' :(

I must start making time again!!!!! I miss it a lot! Maybe if I stop sleeping LMAO
Thanks littleliz! Is that your artwork linked there!? That's nothing to wink at. You've got some serious command of the watercolors there. You have some gorgeous scenery paintings.

If you put a piantbrush in my hand and a canvas in front of me - I'd never start painting until I found the undo button. I'm all thumbs with real paint.

Nice work! Yeah I used to never have time to draw either. It's not easy to make time.
I don't think i ever posted on this thread.

I teach 5th grade. My classroom and the "used to be empty room next door,"
are completely loaded with cages housing all kinds of chameleons and feeders. Usually each class will get to see a chameleon go through laying and hatching in the course of a year. When someone new walks into my classroom, they usually crap their pants!

They also are the breeders of my dubias, silkworms, and hornworms.

I am turning kids into chameleon freaks, 20 at time.
I'm joining the British Army next year, which means unfortunately i'm probably gonna have to hold off getting new pets but when i come out i'll hopefully have enough cash to make up for it.
I don't think i ever posted on this thread.

I teach 5th grade. My classroom and the "used to be empty room next door,"
are completely loaded with cages housing all kinds of chameleons and feeders. Usually each class will get to see a chameleon go through laying and hatching in the course of a year. When someone new walks into my classroom, they usually crap their pants!

They also are the breeders of my dubias, silkworms, and hornworms.

I am turning kids into chameleon freaks, 20 at time.

where were you when I was in 5th grade? All my teacher ever kept in a classroom was a overweight, smelly rabbit. Also, one teacher had a fish tank full of gold fish. He was doing an experiment with them and never cleaned the tank. The tank ended up filled with algea and the fish all died.
I'm a hairdresser with my own shop. I also volunteer with our local animal shelter. My customers think I'm nutty as they come because of all the animals that I have! 12 cats, 4 dogs, 6 aquariums (5 in my salon) and 7 chameleons! They all know who to call when they are looking to find an animal though!!!!!
I am an executive chef. I am in the works of getting my own resteraunt open. A whole lot of BS involved in this. That is why I have not been as active on here over the past couple months.
Real job - commercial auto and general liability claims adjuster. Pays the bills.

secondary hobby - write and record humorous (in my opinion) speed/thrash metal songs as Alex From Hell. Doesn't pay squat. Been mulling over a chameleon song. I'll post a link when it's ready.
I work in a Coke lab, that's pretty much it, and true. My second sorce of income, or should I say outcome other then Reef tanks is building scooters like the one pictured below.


I'm a welder. I just graduated from college and received my tickets this month. It's about time I got a real job.
Glofish I'm not an expert, but I think the is just a bit larger than a scooter..
I thought scooters stoped at 200cc's, and that looks closer to 1800cc.
Pretty sweet I have a "bike"....

Anyways I work for ifloor.com we are the largest online flooring comapany in the nation.
I think we are ranked as the 67th largest company in the world.:rolleyes:
Anyways I'm in sales, and I DONT install.
If you need Laminate, Hardwood, Bamboo, or Tile send me a PM.:cool:

Check us out online ifloor.com


  • riding 151.JPG
    riding 151.JPG
    158.4 KB · Views: 171
:) its an American V-twin, we don't use CC's ;) I think it works out around 1640 cc for a 100" engine. The one below is 113", I'll let you do the math :)

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Their are 61.4 cubic inches in one liter.
That is about as much math as I know.
I use to be a mechanic, so cubic inches, cubic centimeters, and litre same stuff. lol
If you are about American Muscle you found the right guy.
I am a ceramic artist/art teacher...can't wait to get back to school though and hopefully earn a second degree in zoology. My other half Chris is a mechanic hoping to eventually focus on rebuilding old custom cars.
I am a ceramic artist/art teacher...can't wait to get back to school though and hopefully earn a second degree in zoology. My other half Chris is a mechanic hoping to eventually focus on rebuilding old custom cars.

Im actually a zoology major right now! Good luck!
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