ok my guy is 5 months old panther. he is in a 100 gallon reptarium with various plants. i have a dripper but i really hate it and mist him 3 times a day.
his temps are as follows at teh very bottom 65 at night,and 69 ish in the day.
the middlw of the cage is mid 70's. right under the basking spot is 85 ish.
i have a 10. reptical light and a standard blub for heating.
when my guy wakes up he immediately goes under his light obviously to warm up. at that point he is black as can be. after and hour or so,i go in and will mist him at that point he will start to get active and actally get some color and strips and such going. then he will mosey over the the other side of the cage and hang out. and then go down a bit and evenutally back over to his bed at night. the only time he gets any color is when i mist him.
if he was cold wouldnt' he go under his light? and if he is cold why would he move out from under his light?
i am just really confused here. he does get almos white when he is sleeping at times in the night.
his temps are as follows at teh very bottom 65 at night,and 69 ish in the day.
the middlw of the cage is mid 70's. right under the basking spot is 85 ish.
i have a 10. reptical light and a standard blub for heating.
when my guy wakes up he immediately goes under his light obviously to warm up. at that point he is black as can be. after and hour or so,i go in and will mist him at that point he will start to get active and actally get some color and strips and such going. then he will mosey over the the other side of the cage and hang out. and then go down a bit and evenutally back over to his bed at night. the only time he gets any color is when i mist him.
if he was cold wouldnt' he go under his light? and if he is cold why would he move out from under his light?
i am just really confused here. he does get almos white when he is sleeping at times in the night.