What Did/Do Your Baby Veileds Look Like?


Established Member
I've seen a bunch of baby Veileds recently and it has made me remember when I got Hawk last summer. I remember taking his little deli cup out of the box and when I first seen him he had a background color of all sorts of greens, but his three vertical bars were pure white :eek:. He was my first, and only cham, so I didn't want to scare him by taking pictures so I just put him in his cage. Later his white bars disappeared, and they have since changed to yellow, and I can't find any baby Veiled out there with those white bars :(. I was just wondering if anyone esle's Veileds had arrived with white vertical bars, and if you had pics of them.
Here's mine from when I got their "homecoming" on Jan 8. The smaller one is male and larger is female.

This is the female today enjoying some sun. They're getting bigger, but still not much color.
Here's Charlie the first day I got him 3 months old


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@Patrick-nice looking babies you got there :)

@Zajlol-he looked good as a baby too. Sheesh I just can't get enough of that guy :p
My Veiled Babies

I can never pass up a chance to post my babies.

Baby Luie


Baby Camille


Luie and Camille babies from their first clutch


Luie and Camille's daughter Elly from the retained clutch


Luie and Camille's granddaughter Sadie

Awesome pictures. Ahhhh I want more Chams now!! Mommy to my beautiful Graceful and hopeful Mom to a Amilobe Panther soon.
Too bad this thread seemed to have fizzled. These guys are so cool all tiny and adorable as my 11 year old puts it! :D
pics of my male

sorry to hear that there was alot of chams this year, even quite a few mellers and gaint spinies

I did pick up a new baby :D

the little guy fired up


got picks of my female from when i saw her at petsmart

There are some tiny baby vields at the local reptile store near my house. IMO they look pretty young to be sold already but what really surprised me was that I saw a few of them drinking from waterfall.
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