what is this roach doing ? what IS that ?

I've had a few escapees due to the fact that I don't have a door on the enclosure. I've had a few last a very long time outside of the bin but they never grew any bigger that when they escaped.
There was a thread where a member was moving or something and found a mom with babies under her frig, as I recall her husband was not happy about it LOL.
ARRRRGGHHH, I would absolutely DIE if I looked under the fridge and saw a mommy and baby roaches. <<<<shivers>>>> Do you remember the Orkin commercial with the roach crawling on the tv screen? I about killed myself jumping out of bed to kill it. LOLOL

ewwwwwww ! sure do- almost broke the tv when I whacked it - I think they took it off the air because of ppl breaking their tv's - and complaining -

now you all know- I am going to have to hull that stupid fridge out- and look- if I find anything more than dust bunnies or Amelia Earheart behind it, it aint gonna be pretty- :p
ewwwwwww ! sure do- almost broke the tv when I whacked it - I think they took it off the air because of ppl breaking their tv's - and complaining -

now you all know- I am going to have to hull that stupid fridge out- and look- if I find anything more than dust bunnies or Amelia Earheart behind it, it aint gonna be pretty- :p

I have to admit, all this talk made me go look under my mini frig that is my bug frig. Haha. Roach free Phew!
nice and warm under a fridge - and likely lots of little crumbs of food laying about - perfect place to raise a family :)

SANDRA ! you stop !!! :p its because of your gut load, these things are so healthy , and prolific :p my husband gets so mad if I make him wait until I get my " sandra gutload list" , but I wont go to the store with out it :D
Since I have a beardie that runs around, he's my clean up Guy. My house is bug free besides my roaches, crickets, and supers (even though I don't like them)
Since I have a beardie that runs around, he's my clean up Guy. My house is bug free besides my roaches, crickets, and supers (even though I don't like them)

I wish my beardie was like that. He was a rescue and he seems mentally challenged. I let him out to run around and after a few minutes I usually just find him in a corner sleeping. He sometimes runs down the hall......head first in to a wall. He is our special boy.
I'm pretty sure that dubias are illegal here in FL. I think lots have them, but there's a reason why the state don't want me to have them. They would probably do pretty well outside. Well crap just add that to the list that "big brother" doesn't want me doing. Hmmmmm?
Yeah, the only place that I could really see them infesting (and I'm not entirely sure they would even infest a house in the same way those nasty American/German roaches would) is Florida. They are illegal down there though. However, discoids are legal in FL because there are a few places where they got loose and started thriving. There is even a roach company that is in FL that only sells FL legal roaches. I believe they are called Florida roaches (google it!) So you guys in FL can still get roaches. Discoids are nearly exactly the same in care and are great feeders. They just get a little bigger on average and the females also have wings (but are fatter, darker, and bigger than the males.) Even the nymphs look pretty darn close.
Floridaroaches.com no worky. yikes, what a wild goose chase. But you did get me to do more google searches. I actually found a girl that is from the vet clinic here in s. tampa where I have taken my cat(s) for the past 10 yrs since I've been here in tampa. but then low and behold I see on her facebook page that as of Sept. she's not supplying them for personal / family reasons. I'm not going to give up though.

Where are all the FL Discoids????????
Roach crossing might have some available. If the site says they are out of stock right now, try emailing him. Sometimes he has a few extra that he just hasn't put up on the site.
Than you Little Leaf

Today I was cleaning my roach bin and I found a female with one of those egg thingys hanging from her. If I had not read your post I probably would have killed it or her thinking there was something wrong with her. With only 12 adult females I would have lost a lot of babies.

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