What is this?

Looks like a bearded dragon with a tail deformity, but I highly doubt that's the case!

Interesting find.

Are they keeping it on that blue calcium-sand junk?
After getting a second look at it.... it looks like the tip of the tail is photoshopped? Or maybe that's my spidey-sense tingling.
The blue throat is probably caused by the sand now that I think about it... derp. Do you know them personally?
I've seen a lizard like this before. I'd say it is most certainly not a bearded dragon. Let me get with a friend and see if I can get an ID.
It is a beaver shield-tailed agama, Xenagama batilifera. It is entirely possible that the throat is blue and not just the sand. I know very little to nothing about them but a Google Image search shows me some with blue throats.
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