What is your dream chameleon specie?

this is my dream cham hes my computer background i know its a pygmy idk what kind tho. im amazed by this cham download_madagascar_chameleon_1024x768.jpg
I have someone that can get me a shipment of pfefferi and wiedersheimi (sp?) we are just waiting for it to warm up and for us to get a little more room >.<
first instinct would be to say mellers and parsons. But I guess that's not true because I don't think I'd ever want a chameleon that literally needs its own room. i'd have to say finding a captive bred, really rare species of montane would be my dream chameleon. Like a breeding pair of montane pygmies or something of the trioceras (probably butchered that name), if I was ready for it.

but I can't be much happier than I am now with just the one quadricornis, i think they are one of the coolest chameleons.
I don't think I could narrow it down to a single species, or even a few. I'm working with a number of species that would have to be on my list of ultimate species (Bradypodion thamnobates, Bd. transvaalense, Calumma p. parsonii, etc.), I've worked with a number of species over the years that really hold a special place for me and I'd love to work with again (Brookesia perarmata, Furcifer minor, Trioceros laterispinis, etc.) and there are a number of species I've never kept that I'd love to work with as well (Bd. damaranum, B. vadoni, C. gallus, C. tigris, Kinyongia carpenteri, T. balebicornutus, T. eisentrauti, etc.). There are just too many cool chameleon species to narrow it down to a single one.

There's three on my list... bradypodion transvaalense, brookesia stumpffi, and my number one...c/b melleri.
For me it's definitely Parsons, Calumma p. parsonii, or cristifer (I'm not too picky).

I've always wanted the larger species, so my next cham might be an oustalets or mellers, which are probably more accessible to me.

I'm not familiar with all that many species, so the choice really isn't all that hard! (I guess sometimes ignorance is bliss)
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