What kind of chameleon do i have ? :s

She's got awesome colours :D
Unless she turns out to be a really late bloomer lol

She looks abit older than 2 months doesn't she? Or is it just me?
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She's got awesome colours :D
Unless she turns out to be a really late bloomer lol

She looks abit older than 2 months doesn't she? Or is it just me?

Thats what I was thinking I wish my little girl would look like that at 2 months! Mine is just starting to get some green scales by her eyes.
id say thats a male,as hes got a wide tail base and you can just about notice his bulge.
looks about 4-5 months old.

Uhh, panthers aren't rare. :)

yes, I believe pardalisgirl had an girl named Olivia who had under developed man parts as well as girl parts.

She looks older than two months to me as well, but I believe girls can end up pretty dang colorful! My female looks has a pretty fair amount of color on her, so much so that people thought she was a boy til they saw her tail :D
There is no buldge in the other pictures though and they are all recent... Looks like a male in the last pics because of the colour but I see no buldge lol.

I agree about being 4 or 5 months old though.
So sweet :D
well iv gotten more than 5 responses of 4 - 5 months so im going to go with that now lol. ya im pretty sure its a female guys shes usually got that pink female color and changes to that pettern i have in the pics above when i first take her out. i just thought she was 2 months because of the size. Does anyone know how long it will take her to grow to full size? and does anyone know when i should put in her container so she can lay her eggs when she develops them?
Chameleons never stop growing, but they stop growing so fast around a year to a year and a half. I would set up a laying bin now just in case. You need an opaque tub that has at least 10-12 inches of moist play sand, moist organic fertilizer free soil, or a mix. It should be big enough for her plus a few inches on all sides including above her. Make sure it is moist enough to make a tunnel without collapsing, but not so wet that it's soggy.
well iv gotten more than 5 responses of 4 - 5 months so im going to go with that now lol. ya im pretty sure its a female guys shes usually got that pink female color and changes to that pettern i have in the pics above when i first take her out. i just thought she was 2 months because of the size. Does anyone know how long it will take her to grow to full size? and does anyone know when i should put in her container so she can lay her eggs when she develops them?

I think she is a female too but she does have very prominant colours like a male would at this age. Like I said though, you never know that she could turn into a he!
I'm not sure about full size.. is it a year or so anyone?
this is one of my 2 month old males,he is a nosy be

haha hes adorable XD ya mine is definatly 4 - 5 months old lol Well i think i got what i wanted.

So i have a 4 - 5 Month old Female Nosy Be Panther Chameleon.
Someone correct me if they feel im wrong :)
I totally agree about buying a male for your first chameleon. We bought Gizzy after the pet shop told us the only difference between sexes was that females were more placid and not quite so colourful. However after the horrendous time we have had with Gizzy and her being egg bound etc i would definitely say start with a boy, girls can be very complicated and you really need to know your stuff.

I hope you really enjoy your new friend, but again research is the very best thing you can do for him/ her. :)
one more question guys :) i totally found this exo terra light bulb that my dad bought for something but not for a lizzard. it says Exo Terra Reptiglo 2.0 UVB i dont know how many wats it is but it sais self blasted lamp 26W 120V 60Hz 0.34A can i use this?
one more question guys :) i totally found this exo terra light bulb that my dad bought for something but not for a lizzard. it says Exo Terra Reptiglo 2.0 UVB i dont know how many wats it is but it sais self blasted lamp 26W 120V 60Hz 0.34A can i use this?

There is a lot of debate about using the coil type uvb flourescents. The consensus is usually to use the linear tube zoomed 5.0 UVB. There have been some reports that the coil tubes, especially the older ones, can cause eye problems and even blindness. Do a search on UVB lighting and you can find tons of info on that topic.
Most keepers are in agreeement that cfl bulbs are not worth the risk to use. If you did research before buying you would know that. She needs a repti glo5.0 linear tube bulb. Make sure she has a basking bulb also prob a 60 watt incandescnet should be sufficient. Also make sure she stays well hydratted.
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