What other pets do you guys own?

I only have two pets at the moment, working on getting another cham.

Chronic my 5 month and 1 week on Ambilobe Panther Chameleon.


And Nala my 3 year old female Olde English Bulldogge



Sometimes she winds up sleeping like this. Hah :D
1 Australian Shepherd
1 Olde English Bulldog
1 Yorkshire Terrier
1 Boston Terrier
2 Puffers ( Dogface and Green Spot)
1 Snowflake Moray
1 Leopard Gecko
3 Cats
8 chams
Stick and leaf insects
I have:
1 tarantula
1 cockatiel
2 guinea pigs (who look like wigs!)
2 fancy goldfish who are getting super huge
1 veiled chameleon
1 panther chameleon (hopefully 2 soon!)

Renzo- holy moly! Jasper looks huge. How long is he?
shell74, with 4 dogs and a Scarlet Macaw, 2 Eclectus, Cockatoo, Yellow Nape, and a Rainbow Lori... I bet you also have earplugs! wow the volume must be something else somedays!
This is all I currently own/care for/live with at the moment!!!!!! Seems like I'm always gettin more.

8 - Chameleons(Looking to buy some Translucent Veileds:cool:)
1 - 3' Savannah Monitor
1 - 100% het albino adult male Ball Python (LOOKING FOR AN ALBINO FEMALE!!!!)
75g Saltwater fish tank w/ a HUGE Porcupine puffer and lots of others
3 - Cats
4 - Dogs

When is the next reptile show???? J/k ;)
hmmmm where to start....

3 chams - all panthers
4 Lhaso Apso show dogs
1 shit tzu
1 moluccan cockactoo
1 sun conure
1 goffin cockatoo
1 yellow naped amazon
1 panamanian amazon
1 sulcatta
2 leopard tortoises

The sun conure is def my fave though, like my lil baby.... Hahahahah.. him and his shenanigans...
I love that sun conure. Almost got one awhile back but i had just gotten rid of my mollucan and my ears needed a break. lol.

Lets see, i have:
3 Shih Tzus, 2 trained to "hunt" for bearded dragons.
2 Persians, I got a thing for long hair. Even my hubby has a pony tail.
3 Sulcata Tortoises
3 Leopard Torts
3 Russians Torts,
2 Red Foots
2 Yellow Foots
2 Cherry head redfoots
1 pancake, hey tiki tiki, you gotta female? We can get them together.
4 Levi Levi geckos
3 Millie geckos
few crested geckos
few gargoyle geckos
Lots of bearded dragons
Lots of chameleons
Oops almost forget still have a few leopard geckos.

I think that is it! I can't wait until the babies are all born. I'll never leave the house. LOL
shell74, with 4 dogs and a Scarlet Macaw, 2 Eclectus, Cockatoo, Yellow Nape, and a Rainbow Lori... I bet you also have earplugs! wow the volume must be something else somedays!

Yes it is super loud sometimes, especially when I raise my voice to the kids. They all get in on the repremanding. Also when we eat without giving them some first, you would think we are killing them :eek:. All but 1 came from rescues and had choice vocabs when they came too, thankfully they dont do that anymore.

OMG- I forgot to add the 2 bearded dragons, lol.
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Other than chams?

4.3 Malaysian leaf frogs
1.1 blue crowned motmots (birds)
1.0 Swainson's toucan
0.1 Austalian cattledog
2000.300000 B. dubia roaches
0.0.450 European nightcrawlers
revolving door crickets
0.0.59 Zophobas
I like the turtle in the feather boa shot. Haha. Reading this thread I figured that I have never really thought about what all we care for so...

-14 gallon reef aquarium (clam, zoas, fish, mushrooms, ect)
-3 Sulcata torts
-1 pancake tort
-2 leopard torts
-1 uromastyx
-1 Snapping turtle
-2 Red foot torts
-3 silky chickens
-2 button quail
-5 mantella frogs
-2 dogs, yorkie and beagle
-LOTS of chameleons
-LOTS of dragons
-LOTS of geckos

Anybody want to babysit?

hell yeah i love animals infact im studying to be a field herpotologist
These are some of my dads catahoula pups. They are all grow up into hunting dogs now, but its still a funny set of photos :p



hell yeah i love animals infact im studying to be a field herpotologist

I think I forogt Spot the hedgehog too. Oh and tiny the giant pixy frog... yeaaa I think that is it. Well next time you are in Vegas let us know, we will let you check everything out for the cost of cleaning poop :p
Other than chams?

4.3 Malaysian leaf frogs
1.1 blue crowned motmots (birds)
1.0 Swainson's toucan
0.1 Austalian cattledog
2000.300000 B. dubia roaches
0.0.450 European nightcrawlers
revolving door crickets
0.0.59 Zophobas

lol that cracked me up
I have a beardie, a basilisk, a yellow ackie monitor, a cat named Techno,

And a blue bar panther chameleon I'm picking up tomorrow :D (about 1 year of age)

Oh ya, I'm currently treaing the basilisk for MBD


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