What type of Chameleon do I have?


New Member
I recently bought a chameleon from my local pet store. I have been reading upo on them for the past couple months and the label said it was a veiled, but I know it's not a veiled, it looks absolutely nothing like one. I think it's a flatneck but I'm not positive. I thought I would ask around here and see if anybody could help me out. Thanks ahead of time!


If anybody can give me any idea as to what some of the different colors mean I'd appreciate it. I haven't been able to find anything that doesn't seem completely wacky.
im pretty positive its a flap neck chameleon i had one a while ago was it around 35 $? and there the same care mine was very friendly and a good pet congratz man!
chamaeleo dilepis dilepis (flapnecked chameleon), congrats he is cute :) acclimate him well. he looks a bit stressed. leave him be, make sure his humidity and temps are right and offer him plenty of water through misting and/or dripper, and offer him a good couple feast. find out what sex it is aswell
That specimen doesn't have large occipital lobes like most Flapnecks so I think it is Chamaeleo gracilis or Graceful Chameleon.
I have not been able to find out the sex yet. As far as the temperature goes it's usually around 90 in the basking spot and right at 80 in the rest of the enclosure. Every time I try and pick him up his colors change pretty dark and he gets black spots =/
As Trace said, this is not a Chamaeleo d. dilepis (Flap-necked Chameleon). This is a Chamaeleo gracilis (Graceful Chameleon). We'd need to see a clear side view of the tail base to tell you sex though.

I recently bought a chameleon from my local pet store. I have been reading upo on them for the past couple months and the label said it was a veiled, but I know it's not a veiled, it looks absolutely nothing like one. I think it's a flatneck but I'm not positive. I thought I would ask around here and see if anybody could help me out. Thanks ahead of time!

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If anybody can give me any idea as to what some of the different colors mean I'd appreciate it. I haven't been able to find anything that doesn't seem completely wacky.

yea that is a flapnecked chameleon , where did you get him/her from
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