what type of lighting do i really need


New Member
i have recently gotten a graceful chameleon and i have read up and did a lot of research and i also have friends who have chameleons that helped me also but im still not sure which lights need to use bc i have the night uv and day lamp but it gets way to hot with all of them on and im worried if i keep something off for too long shed get sick im just not sure what to do about the lights can anyone help? also i wanted to no how often does she shed?
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I dont know much about gracefuls, but the standard 5.0 Zoo Med Reptisun tube or compact flouresent a household basking lamp and if needed something for plant growth. NO light at nite!;)
U don't need a night lamp for heat unless it gets below 55 degrees at night. Chams need the temperature drop at night.
She will be fine. Once the light goes out and the temperature starts to drop, chameleons usually go right to sleep.
Ask any other members on this forum. Search some posts too and u will see that most members will say that.
well i keep my room cool which is why i have the heat lamp but i moved it up so it not directly on her and i just have her uv light on now and shes turning back to her pretty green im just not sure how to keep up with the lights at all what so ever
All you need is a basking bulb, I use a 40W or a 60W normal household bulb, a 5.0 reptisun linear UVB tube, you can also use reptiglow which I use. As long as your room doesn't drop below 55F-60F she'll be fine. IF it does drop below 55F-60F, you can purchase heat emitters that don't produce light and ONLY use them if your room does become that cold and honestly I doubt it will unless you live in a cold country.

But Chameleons require complete darkness to sleep so NO light at all night.
You know the bulb and the silver bit that lines the bulb as your screw it in? It sometimes very faintly should say the wattage :) I know mine does.
Yes no lights at night if you are worried about it been to cold then use a ceramic bulb (they give heat but not light) you should not do that unless it get below 55 as long as you have basking spot during the day your chameleon should be fine. They need temperature drops so that they need to cool down at nigh.
A member said once, can't remember who said it but if you can go to the toilet without wrapping yourself up in layers, you chameleon will be fine :D
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