Brad Ramsey
Retired Moderator
Okay I have a self-imposed dilema.
Today I was at Petsmart buying cat food (which takes about an hour because I look at everything anytime I am in any pet store) and they had two Jackson's chams there.
I do not think buying a cham from Petsmart is a very good idea and I am appalled at how they are kept there.
I have also read about people who "rescue" chameleons from retailers like this only to end up broken hearted when the animal passes away or has to go through some intense medical therapy...MBD, dehydration, parasites, extreme stress etc.
As bad as I feel for these animals I try to be sensible and level headed, looking past the moment and try to realize what I would be in for.
However, despite the fact they were in a very small aquarium with only a dish for water, substrate on the floor and housed together....they seemed quite healthy and (here's the tough part) the female was very gravid.
She is so stressed out by being in this tiny space with that big male marching about. She was bobbing and weaving and trying to defend her position on a tiny manzanita branch. She never took her eyes off him the whole time I observed them.
I addressed the problem with the young man working in that department and his response was: "yeah....she's pregnant."
I can't stop thinking about her. And you know what that can lead to.
So, I would love your opinions, advice and perhaps some specifics concerning gravid Jackson's.
Usually my head tells me no and I listen, but this time even my head is saying: "well....."
Today I was at Petsmart buying cat food (which takes about an hour because I look at everything anytime I am in any pet store) and they had two Jackson's chams there.
I do not think buying a cham from Petsmart is a very good idea and I am appalled at how they are kept there.
I have also read about people who "rescue" chameleons from retailers like this only to end up broken hearted when the animal passes away or has to go through some intense medical therapy...MBD, dehydration, parasites, extreme stress etc.
As bad as I feel for these animals I try to be sensible and level headed, looking past the moment and try to realize what I would be in for.
However, despite the fact they were in a very small aquarium with only a dish for water, substrate on the floor and housed together....they seemed quite healthy and (here's the tough part) the female was very gravid.
She is so stressed out by being in this tiny space with that big male marching about. She was bobbing and weaving and trying to defend her position on a tiny manzanita branch. She never took her eyes off him the whole time I observed them.
I addressed the problem with the young man working in that department and his response was: "yeah....she's pregnant."
I can't stop thinking about her. And you know what that can lead to.
So, I would love your opinions, advice and perhaps some specifics concerning gravid Jackson's.
Usually my head tells me no and I listen, but this time even my head is saying: "well....."