What's the best Chameleon to get


Avid Member
As in easy to care for, easily affordable, and their temper being mild? I
ve heard Panthers are really awesome but they seem very expensive.
I'm not sure keeping any type chameleons is "easy", not that its hard but w/ any species takes a lot of learning. That aside Veiled's are cheeper and tend to be heartier, but dont have the look of panthers. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder though, I think veiled's can be just as sexy as panthers:D. If you do all your research and get everything setup right there's no reason you shouldn't be able to successfully keep a panther/veiled/jackson/... Oh yea and as far as temper it's really luck of the draw. I have some that you can do absolutely anything to and they don't care, and some that if you just look at them they get pissed
I was originally going to get a Veiled! I had researched them for about a year before my mom got me one for Christmas, but instead of the Veileds she didn't see that the store (literally last day before Christmas) had switched them out with Senegals, which is what I have now.
as far as temperment I think that is purely luck of the draw so to speak. Some are nice and some ain't!!
instead of getting something that will just stand around in a cage and eat the occasional insect, why dont you just get a cat or a dog, something that you can pick up and cuddle and play with and sleep with, something more personable. they have great temperment and come in a whole array of colors and breeds. Maybe a snake is a second alternative too. any one of those is much more affordable too.
Ha, I have three cats and a dog, I've always loved reptiles instead of the usual household pets. I can't get a snake as my parents think I'll terrorize my older sister with it... I love Chameleons! That's why I'm on this site.
As in easy to care for, easily affordable, and their temper being mild? I
ve heard Panthers are really awesome but they seem very expensive.

No chameleon is easy to take care of they all require lots of time and care:) also as i have learned no chameloen is really cheap they all need a pretty detailed set up thats not cheap unless you plan to put out about 300 sometimes way more I would hold off (you might be able to do it for less depending on what kind you get) I'm not trying to mean or rude i'm just saying what I wish someone would have told me to begin with :) I thought ohh the chameleon and cage and lamp i'm good but noooo!! theres lamp(s) vitamins, plants, sprayers, branches, vines and feeders! (not like buying a bag of cat food esp if you get a picky little booger like I have) and the correct type of light bulbs (which i did wrong so i had to buy different ones).
So before you get one really read ALL the info on set ups on here cuz that will save you alot of money if you only have to buy everything once!!

now as far as temper I only have ambanja panthers I have two from the same clutch, when i got them they we both so sweet came to me when i opened the cage and everything then one turned into a holy bi*** and goes after me everytime my hand goes in there without food, the other is still such a sweetheart. I dont think you will ever know what their temper will be until after you've had them a while.

this might help you a little with price, http://lllreptile.com/store/catalog...-cage-packages/-/38-gallon-chameleon-package/ I got these kits for my two when i seperated them and they are great starter cages they also have just the cages without the other stuff and other types of cages for pretty cheap cuz I had to seperate them a little sooner then I thought i didnt have the money to put out for two 100 dollar cages i love them and will prob stick with them some people like to go to more sold cages with the door and not the zippers but i dont mind the zippers.
sorry for the book GOOD LUCK ON FINDING you perfect little friend!!! make sure you check out all the sponser sites cuz they all have some great chameleons :)
Here was my easiest chameleon to care for. He still hangs in the closet by his tail.

I would say most captive bred specimen are easy. At least easier than wild caught specimen. A chameleon that I would suggest to you from your opinions on what you want would be Kinyongia multituberculata. There is a guy that breeds them on here. They do take a little more humidity and cooler temps than panthers and veileds but if you research them a CB specimen should do really well. Most of them are easy going. They are shy but seem to readily hand feed. They are a medium sized chameleon but like a nice size cage because they are super active. They look really neat too!!!

I recommend a captive bred Veiled from a reputable breeder. 6 month old is a good age then treat it like it was your soulmate ;) You will then find you have the most amazing pet you have ever owned. When i say soulmate that means its enviroment must be correct its food etc. I spend just as much time each day making sure his food is properly fed and watered as i do with my Cham. So important if you want a healthy chameleon. Just something to think about ;) Get all this right and it is very rewarding. But as been said it is a very expensive Hobby !!
hi and good luck.we have a panther she has a great attitude.and as for easy or hard just take your time with the setup try to get it right the first time as most of us did not! that will save you a lot of $$$$money.and you have a good little friend.:D:D
As in easy to care for, easily affordable, and their temper being mild? I
ve heard Panthers are really awesome but they seem very expensive.

Chameleons are not "easy" to care for. They are not affordable if you are housing, feeding, taking to vet and changing lighting properly. If a panther is expensive for you, you probably cant afford any type of chameleon.
A captive bred male veiled may be a bit hardier than others, and more people have experience with them so the troubles are better understood.
Pygs may have a milder temperment, but still none are really mild.

If you want a lizard that is tolerant of people, fairly hardy, try a beardie.
Again I know the amount of time and care you have to take in being responsible for a Chameleon, I may be a kid but I'm not a child. As in more affordable I meant a lizard that isn't like five hundred dollars. I've read that alot of the really well captive bred Panthers can get to be a few hundred. I have a Senegal right now, and he's the mildest one I've ever seen, of any kind of Chameleon, if anything happens that would scare the living crap out of me, he just sits there all happy and calm. The thing is he likes crawling on my arm but then he just sits there and is lazy, I love him but I also want a chameleon that is more active, like one that will explore more.
I would agree with Cain, try the Fischers (K. multituberculata). They are extremely active and curious. They might be small and not as colorful as panthers but their personalities definitely make up for it. Secco (forum member) has some captive bred right now. They are a mountain species and require a little more care than the veileds and panthers. Another good one and definitely hardy species is the Mellers. Eric (Ivins) is currently selling some on kingsnake. They are imported but I think most people who keep Mellers all started with imports and did very well with them. There's not that many CB mellers out there. I know some forum members used to sell them about 2-3 years ago and FL Chams had some as well. As for prices, WC Fishers tend to sell for ~$65. PM Secco about his CB Fischers. WC Mellers tend sell at ~$100 range. As always, when buying WC make sure its a reputable seller by checking them up on the BOI.
Again I know the amount of time and care you have to take in being responsible for a Chameleon, I may be a kid but I'm not a child. As in more affordable I meant a lizard that isn't like five hundred dollars. I've read that alot of the really well captive bred Panthers can get to be a few hundred. I have a Senegal right now, and he's the mildest one I've ever seen, of any kind of Chameleon, if anything happens that would scare the living crap out of me, he just sits there all happy and calm. The thing is he likes crawling on my arm but then he just sits there and is lazy, I love him but I also want a chameleon that is more active, like one that will explore more.

well since you already have a senegal IMO try to learn as much as you can about him, also I've heard most Senegals are WC (wild caught) and since you got yours from your pet store I'd say there is a good chance he is as well.

you might want to look around for a local vet that handles chameleons (check the vet list on here or make a post asking if anyone knows a good vet around you). if he's wild caugth it would be a good ideal to have a vet check him out and do a fecal (to check for parasites) and treat him for them if needed.
I took my guy to the vet shortly after getting him even tho he's CB, every thing was good so it only cost like 40 bucks, I know your a "kid" and you may have to rely on your mom to get you there and even up front the money (tho IMO you should try to pay her back as he is "your" pet). I'd just explain to her that if he is wild caught checking for parasites and general health is a good ideal (maybe she will know since she bought him, if they didn't say captive breed then he's wild caught)

you may one day want another type but you can learn alot from the one you have, and love it for what it is. since I got my panther I've learned there is so much more than pretty colors to love and learn about these amazing creatures.

best of luck!

P.S. do you have any pic's of your guy and his setup? we all love pics!
I do have some pics, even a video of his first day in the cage when he sniped a cricket, but I don't know how to share it with you guys, I can't make a photobucket account.
Below where you post there is a button that says "manage attachments", click on that then browse and find where your pics are on your computer and up load them. Also now that your a member you can make a photo album (in your profile).
Here's some pictures if you can see them.


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