where to buy sterile roaches


New Member
I am trying to get some dubia roaches to breed... but I am worried about if a couple of them escape and then I have giant south american roaches infesting my house!! It freaks me out. So, today the vet told me that you can buy sterile feeder roaches... so, if these ones escape, they CAN NOT BREED. This Sounds like what I need... .can't find them though.... anyone know where to get them?
because the thought of thousands of 3 inch roaches in my cupboards, walls and furniture scares me...........I hear that once you have roaches loose in your house, you can NOT get rid of them.... at least not without taking extreem drastic measures. I would like to get like 4 adults that produce these sterile roaches, that would be the best...
Dubia dont breen unless they are in high temperatures (>85-90). Also its almost impossible for them to excape a properly setup colony since they cant climb, fly or jump.
my advice , just bite the bullett and take the plunge . imo, dubia are way easier to deal with than cricks, they dont bite you or your cham. even if a few do get out, they wont breed, theyre easy to find, and theyre slow.

it would be possible to breed dubia for years and never have one get out. you breed cricks for a month and guaranteed, youre going to have cricks running around your house.

i had a colony where the screen that was siliconed to the container lost its bond and could be pulled open with almost no pressure, who knows how long it was like that. even still only about 4 escaped, i just swept them up and flushed em.
dubia are a better nutritional choice imo cricks are best reserved for supplementation purposes.
You have little to ZERO chance of Dubia, Discoids, or Fusca infesting your home in Missouri lol. As you said, tropical roaches, and you are anywhere but in the tropics.
If they are sterile they can't breed... So how would adult breed?

Just get a non-climbing species. They won't breed in your house anyways.
maybe "sterile" means clean?

i could pretend mine are sterile if that would make you feel better??

In the context that it was used, I think the vet meant infertile or impotent, something of that nature, but sterile works.

Ahhh, isn't the English language great? Only one word but with so many meanings.
lol could be something like a mule
some crazy hybrid between a dubia and a madagascar

Mules are hybrids??? lol

And do madagascars not breed or something? I'm confused by the comparison. I find hissers to be absolutely not worth keeping unless you're fascinated by a roach that blows air at you when you piss it off lol

They climb over even the best of open air containment methods, and literally have to be kept in a sealed box to prevent escape. Clever lil things.

Mules are a cross between a horse and a donkey. They are generally sterile (unless something has changed since the last time I read about hybrids.)

Many hybrids in the animal kingdom are sterile so they can't produce more. That said, Blaberus genus roaches hybridize ALLLLLL the time and are plenty fertile, so....
mules are a cross between a horse and a donkey. They are generally sterile (unless something has changed since the last time i read about hybrids.)

many hybrids in the animal kingdom are sterile so they can't produce more. That said, blaberus genus roaches hybridize allllll the time and are plenty fertile, so....

like a liger!!! Tiger and a lion mix!!!


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