Which Ch. dilepis subspecies ?


Hi ,
i ve got a new WC Ch. dilepis female. And i m sure that she is gravid!

Does anyone know which subspecies she is ?

From the cites paper she is from Ghana.

Any ideas??

i ve forget the picture^^


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I really haven't a clue. But she is absolutely stunning! The enlarged occipital lobes make her look like a Calumma.
Perhaps quilensis? They seem to have the same blue coloration as the one pictured in the link Kinyongia posted, and have enlarged occipital lobes as well.

Just a personal observation...
no it is for sure not quillensis, cause she is about 35cm long and thats to large for quillensis. And also she has much larger occipital lobes than quillensis have.
I m sure the blue color is why she is gravid.
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