which heat bulbs are beter??

I've used regular incandescent household bulbs as basking bulbs for over 25 years for many reptile species and never had any eye issues caused by them.
I am new to chameleon husbandry but just found out my screen cage setup was too cool. The room was cool and now there is a shower curtain wrapping the cage and a box on top to capture the heads a recirculating fan, which keeps him in the 70's, basking area in the mid 80's. When cooler he was not eating much, lethargic, I thought he was sick. I have a 150 watt basking bulb a ceramic heater, to keep his environment warm. He eats loads now, at least 8 large crickets a day.

One last thing, when my daughter takes him out to play, he turns bright colors and gets real happy. Could he be bored?

Forgot to mention the ceramic heater is on a thermostat set to 80 degrees, it is not on all the time.

He's not bored, he is relaxed and comfortable in his territory. When a cham is being handled he's roused up, active, stimulated, and this is reflected in brighter color. Doesn't mean he's "happy". Its a sign of moderate stress (and there's good as well as bad stress).
He's not bored, he is relaxed and comfortable in his territory. When a cham is being handled he's roused up, active, stimulated, and this is reflected in brighter color. Doesn't mean he's "happy". Its a sign of moderate stress (and there's good as well as bad stress).
Good to know, thanks.
I have a 100w bulb in a glass enclosure. Highest temp I attain 8 inches from bulb is 85F

I've read on these forums the older like higher temps 90+
Ok, so before I had the 84-85 degree basking temp... With soil as substrate.

I finished my tank yesterday... Covered the soul with polished Mexican pebble stone
Now my temps have shot up to 89-90 basking

How old should a veiled be for 90?
I personally would only have temps at 90 in the basking spot after 6-8 months for a male veiled. At that time they should be able to decide when it is time to escape to the shade.
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