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Hint: Africa
Chamaeleo dilepis
If yes- my female from 2004's ear/neck flaps were smaller. (y)

if no--and from Africa- I'm stumped.
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Looks like a Trioceros species to me. Could be a female Trioceros werneri. I'm almost certain it is in the genus Trioceros--just not certain if it is werneri. Trioceros is an underdescribed, many affinis (or similar looking) species out there so it is hard to say with certainty.

Here's an image of a male that looks somewhat similar.

And female:

If you want to learn more about this species, check out: https://chameleonacademy.com/trioceros-werneri/

To be honest, I'm not really sure what the species in the pic you posted is. But hopefully my response puts you on the right track. Researching chameleon species can be a lot of fun. Diving headfirst down the rabbit hole is a fun feeling IMO
Just kidding! Thanks

This was hard-- does anyone have current Cham Family Tree handy?
I would have guessed Mendez was correct.. Even after knowing.. (y) Yes--- I have trust issues.;)
How is brevicornis the closest when brevicornis comes from Madagascar and not mainland Africa?

Also, I misread your post, I thought you were some random person asking what species it was. I didn't understand that you already knew. You have peaked my interest lol! Now I am very very curious!
Another photo would help, is it really that blue or is light and background color making him just look blue?
Thank you, and yes will be posting another picture , more natural look.
Great Job everybody.
Will we decide female or male next to confim with additional pictures ?
AHH! Epic! Saying the chameleon is from was from Africa was tricky. I was considering a couple other species. Those Occipital Lobes though!!!

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
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