who's a big girl.... OLIVE IS

little leaf

Avid Member
ummm.... maybe she has a thyroid issue ?? lol I thought her weight was because she has been a little slow on her "out flow" , but she did poop this am , so I wanted to grab a weight on her - DANG Olive - 111 G
could she be ( oh please NO !! :p ) getting ready to have babies again? her babies are now 3 mo old


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How do you get your cham to cooperate and sit on a scale?!? :mad: I can barely get mine to come out :mad::mad::mad:. (She does look a bit chunky, but still cute!) :)
How do you get your cham to cooperate and sit on a scale?!? :mad: I can barely get mine to come out :mad::mad::mad:. (She does look a bit chunky, but still cute!) :)

I tell her STAY :p
really, she does not like my hand a whole lot, so I let her off my hand and put my other one in front of her - so she stops, and sits there trying to figure a way around my hand, but its long enough to get her weight :)
Olive is such a pretty little lady even a tad chunky. :)

Thanks :D I dont know if she is just fat, or just "big" - her fat pads on her head are not big or puffy, how do I tell if she is fat? lol her body is about 6" long- not including her tail
haha I died while I was reading this! Have you been feeding her anything in particular that's making her soo... chunky? :p (just out of curiosity)

well, not that I knew of - LOL until only a few mos ago she would only eat crix- and I mean ONLY - now, she will eat roaches, snails,worms ( silks & horn - but never meal worms or super worms ) , moths, mantis, just about everything EXCEPT crix- she hates those now- its seems after she had her babies, she just relaxed, and now, she shows interest in all food items - but if she is fat , then I know its not good for her, so.....she will start her diet on Monday- I JUST got my silks and horn worms in the mail today :p :eek: :p ;) but she is big, aprx 11" long w/ her tail - she wont let me put a tape or string by her- so I marked her vine- and used that - lol
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