Who's behind the computer?

I'll re-participate in this as well.

Also, I'll mention this again here - My name is legitimately Olimpia, not Olympia. I'm half Italian, so we use the Italian spelling, not the Greek. Everyone corrects for it when they type to me, which is fine, it's not offensive or anything, but just know that my name is spelled correctly.


And since we're sharing hobbies as well, here's something that I've been getting more into in the past year, due to my boyfriend. His brother deals class 3 weapons, so we get invited to play with the stuff every so often. This one's an MP5 full-auto.


And here's me in Costa Rica, probably my favorite place in the world. I'm there at least a couple times a year and just love the place. Oh, good place to mention that I speak fluent Spanish as well.

"Olimpia, not Olympia. I'm half Italian, so we use the Italian spelling, not the Greek. Everyone corrects for it when they type to me, which is fine, it's not offensive or anything, but just know that my name is spelled correctly. "

guilty! i always spell ur name wrong. but its a good thing i use your name frequently cause that just means youre a good reference XD
Ok, here goes nothin'.

My name is Shauna, and I teach fourth grade. I'm really old (41) but I am slow to mature so mentally I am nowhere close to that.

I have my Bachelors in Organizational Leadership, and my Masters degree in education. I absolutely LOVE my job. I have a really great life, if would be a perfect life if I just had a maid and a chef.

I keep chameleons because I have ADHD and I need a lot to do, otherwise I get bored, and that is not a good thing for me to be.
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I'll re-participate in this as well.

Also, I'll mention this again here - My name is legitimately Olimpia, not Olympia. I'm half Italian, so we use the Italian spelling, not the Greek. Everyone corrects for it when they type to me, which is fine, it's not offensive or anything, but just know that my name is spelled correctly.


And since we're sharing hobbies as well, here's something that I've been getting more into in the past year, due to my boyfriend. His brother deals class 3 weapons, so we get invited to play with the stuff every so often. This one's an MP5 full-auto.


And here's me in Costa Rica, probably my favorite place in the world. I'm there at least a couple times a year and just love the place. Oh, good place to mention that I speak fluent Spanish as well.


I didnt realize you were so gangster Olimpia...

...the mp5 is kinda fun isnt it?;)
adhd is just a shrinks way of saying "overly motivated" ive seen quite a few in my time here and lemme tell you what. you might get 1 out of ten that actually care and arent text book parrots. im amazed at the amount of unintelligent individuals with degrees. who i trump in IQ alone and we can even leave philosophical perspective benched. disgusting really that some people rely on these individuals for guidance and peace of mind.

dont feed kids drugs. if your kid had ADHD theyre under stimulated or have exceptional imaginations. this is not a malady and does NOT! require prescription drugs. trust me as a child diagnosed with severe depression and adhd. the worst thing you can do for your children is feed them drugs. its just a crutch for incompetence as a parent.


Missed the point of the thread again bro. ;)

this is kindergarden shiz yellow plus red equals orange. no matter what the ratio.

"I am pretty much a giant dick. Im very opinionated and not afraid to express my opinions." ROFL! thats how most people see me too. its a shame they dont immediately recognize our inherent superiority.

i live by the dr seuss quote "do what you want and say how you feel, because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind"

I live in maryland. most school busses are yellow, but some of the outlying small towns, have a few white buses.

i love dr.seuss. and shel silverstein.

i tend to easily insult people, or come off as being brash and rude, when i dont really try to be.

i have a hot temper, but try to keep it in check. :D
I didnt realize you were so gangster Olimpia...

...the mp5 is kinda fun isnt it?;)

Shhh, don't tell my parents! lol Where we come from NO one has guns and no one talks about guns so I'm still getting used to the whole thing but it's fun. I come from a background in archery so sitting there and aiming with a handgun is fun and challenging for me. The full auto stuff just feels like cheating though! haha Although the SCAR-L we played with was fun.
"michael phelps (before the pot)."

i get why that was considered a performance enhancer especially as a swimmer.

it hyper expands your lungs and can give you a lasting ability to inhale larger volumes of air.

just ask my dad, his heart is sideways because his lungs are so huge.

but most people only cared because of the stigma associated with the psychoactive effects. guess what, hes the most motivated pothead ive ever seen and it was obviously no sort of hindrance in his training.

mmmmm subway. no wait mmmmm primo hoagies (i recommend the crusher)

*edit* am i doing it again? am i off topic? oh well i expect many more facepalm moments in the future XD
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This is me when I took my sister and some friends out for a flight around central/south Florida
(I'm the one in gray, the pilot :) )
*edit* am i doing it again? am i off topic? oh well i expect many more facepalm moments in the future XD

No, discussion is fine, as the thread is to get to know each other.

Ranting like a drunken madman, and going off on a tangent about something someone mentioned about themselves is what rated the FP, mainly the drunken rude-ass-madman bit ;)
"michael phelps (before the pot)."

i get why that was considered a performance enhancer especially as a swimmer.

it hyper expands your lungs and can give you a lasting ability to inhale larger volumes of air.

just ask my dad, his heart is sideways because his lungs are so huge.

but most people only cared because of the stigma associated with the psychoactive effects. guess what, hes the most motivated pothead ive ever seen and it was obviously no sort of hindrance in his training.

mmmmm subway. no wait mmmmm primo hoagies (i recommend the crusher)

*edit* am i doing it again? am i off topic? oh well i expect many more facepalm moments in the future XD

hahaha. I think people were more pissed he did it cuz of who he is to the public, than what it could have done for his career.

and for the record... I never smoked pot, or anything else.. nor have I ever done illegal drugs. Or legal ones in illegal fashion. :D
okay, ill play too and post the most embarrassing picture i have of myself :p NO LAUGHING! and no..im not into animals like that :p


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