New Member
That's pretty funny. I got some of that sticky tongue's cal and not only will my cham spit it out he will not take that feeder again for a while...spoiled brat. I know some chams love that berry flavor.I am trying to get ideas here...I fed Claude his 1st dubia yesterday and he ate it just fine. SO I thought "WooHoo bye bye crickets!"...I fed him 1 this morning, which he again ate so I gave him a second one - he quite literally, took it, chewed it a bit and then right before my very eyes...SPIT IT OUT like a 7 year old eating broccoli!! Then sat there looking at me licking his lips making the "WTF" face! I did not give up...I gave him another - I dont know if he ate that one cuz he took it, shook his head then mashed it in his mouth a bit then just held it there with its guts drooling down his chin and I had to leave for work (it was at least 7min lol)...I will have to see if there is a carcass on the floor when I get home. Is it the taste? Could it be the supplement? I just got some the of the new Repashy all in one supplement that the Kammer's are now endorsing/recommending, so I thought maybe he didn't like that??
I also placed a dubia nymph on the branch he was sitting so that it would walk towards him, thinking he would grab it before it got to him. Instead of eating it it walked up his leg and onto his head...after lots of contortions to get it OFF he wanted nothing to do with dubia for weeks. If he didn't have a tongue problem that made me have to hand feed him I wouldn't bother and just say he will eat when he is hungry enough. He causes me to loose more hair than both of my kids combined.