Who's Got the Nicest Looking Enclosure?


New Member
I want to see who thinks they've got the nicest/most realistic enclosure? I know there are some crazy enclosures out there! Lets see em!
Allot of people like Padre's room pictured below. The link is to how all my other chams live. https://www.chameleonforums.com/some-free-ranges-66598/

Here is our outdoor cage


I cleaned it out for the winter because I didn't expect us to still be having 80 degree days here in FL in December....

At the time of the thread it housed a bunch of juvi females... but after they all went off to new homes is housed a single male panther chameleon..

It got pretty overgrown with plants over the summer....it looks so bare in the old thread

**Edit here is a video of what the cage looked like in the peek of summer and how over grown with plants it got:
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