Why is he so mean now??


New Member
hey everyone. well leonidus is about 4 months old now and very healthy. Had him checked up by the vet and she says he 100 percent perfect. I have noticed lately just in the past couple days he has become very aggresive. hissing at me and trying to bite me when i play with him not only in the cage but out also. He is normally very nice, always likes to be on my shoulder, as soon as i open the cage he is usually coming towards me cause i hand feed him once in a while. I handle him for about an hour a day cause i did not want this to happen. Is he in some kind of puberty stage now or what??? Maybe something else?? His cage sits about 80 to 85 degrees, about 60 percent humidity, about 65 degrees at night. eats crickets, super worms, hornworms, wax worms, and butterworms. i dont think its the enclosure cause what i wouldnt give to live in there, i have a very nice set up for him to climb around and such. any ideas from anyone????
Chameleons dont like to be handled. They are not mammals that you can cuddle with. They are solitary reptiles. You can think what you want but its the truth. An hour every day is way to much time to be handling a chameleon. You're probly stressing him out. The only reason he has been tollerating you is because you provide him food and water. Getting bit is probly a sign to leave him alone.
Can't speak for everyone, but I've found the less handling the better. I leave my guy in his cage most of the time and maybe have him out once a week. They're not really a "play" animal, ya know? Cash seems to like it when he's out, but I don't really reach in. I just open up his cage and if he wants out he'll climb out.

My .02.
I also recommend less handling. I handle Pablo twice a week for like 10-30 minutes to keep him tame and to see his pretty colors fire up.
its just weird that he seems like he always wants to be handled by coming to the cage and climbing on me and such. just seems like the past 2 days he has just gone nuts
The only answer i know...........

hes a chameleon! :D

chameleons in general are extremely solitary reptiles unlike some others that will tolerate handling from owners and other animals in the same cage.....there are certain circumstances that cause certain individuals to become a little more tame; handling everyday is probably stressing him out more than it is helping him get used to you. the best way for a cham to become tame imo is to get it to trust you without invading its personal space; everyones favorite trick seems to be hand feeding:D. if all fails in the end, its probably best to just understand that you have a territorial cham, and there really isnt much you can do to make him tamer. at that point, he is a LOOK DONT TOUCH animal and in that case you at least have a very interesting display animal........and im sure youll still love him even if he doesnt appreciate you:D.
I would give him space, may be getting ready to shed?? My juv. panther gets a little more grumpy right before a shed and when its over he is back to normal
The only answer i know...........

hes a chameleon! :D

chameleons in general are extremely solitary reptiles unlike some others that will tolerate handling from owners and other animals in the same cage.....there are certain circumstances that cause certain individuals to become a little more tame; handling everyday is probably stressing him out more than it is helping him get used to you. the best way for a cham to become tame imo is to get it to trust you without invading its personal space; everyones favorite trick seems to be hand feeding:D. if all fails in the end, its probably best to just understand that you have a territorial cham, and there really isnt much you can do to make him tamer. at that point, he is a LOOK DONT TOUCH animal and in that case you at least have a very interesting display animal........and im sure youll still love him even if he doesnt appreciate you:D.

Very well said.

Chams tolerate being handled... my female veiled and ambilobe panthers... they HATE me.... Same with my newer melleri Alex.... my two boy veileds are hot and cold..... it all depends on the animal. Veileds tend to be more aggressive...
My adult veiled will tolerate handling only on a full stomach. If I need to take him out for cleaning or anything I first feed him lots. Otherwise he freak out and not let me get near him.
i disagree with the handling comments. Blanket statements cannot be made about chameleon disposition. They have personalities. Some are going to react to handling better than others. In my experience I've had a veiled that did not like to be handled and this panther currently that will crawl on me rather than anything else if given the opportunity.
If you want to have a friendly cham handfeed. The cham's disposition might be more aggressive and it may never warm up to you, in that case limit handling, but if the cham seems to be responding without coloration changes or obvious signs of stress I think you are safe.
I would just hang tight and see if this is a faze. I would try to keep hand feeding. Try moving to a free range setup, mine seems to be totally content without the screen around him
i was reading this other poopy forum before i found this one and i heard this icky phrase....picture a big masen jar...every time u hold the cutie u put a penny in. when the jar is full with pennies then he's close to dying. it sounds really sad but i think it might be true. they get stressed easily i heard. sometimes i'll put my hand in the cage under kiwi or in front of his feet to see if he'll climb up. if he does then we're good to go. if not then i leave him alone.
i disagree with the handling comments. Blanket statements cannot be made about chameleon disposition. They have personalities. Some are going to react to handling better than others. In my experience I've had a veiled that did not like to be handled and this panther currently that will crawl on me rather than anything else if given the opportunity.
If you want to have a friendly cham handfeed. The cham's disposition might be more aggressive and it may never warm up to you, in that case limit handling, but if the cham seems to be responding without coloration changes or obvious signs of stress I think you are safe.
I would just hang tight and see if this is a faze. I would try to keep hand feeding. Try moving to a free range setup, mine seems to be totally content without the screen around him

i hope my cham gets more use to me so he'll crawl on me more. hes only 4 months and ive been hand feeding alot. hopefully soon :)
usually right before he sheds he does get a little grumpy and then as soon as he is done he is back to his old self. Im trying the once to twice a week handling thing to see if that helps. well thank you everyone for your responses.
Generally speaking, frequently handling is not recommended. it serves no benefit to the chameleon, usually causes stress. Climbing up your arm is not a sign that it wants to be with you, rather that it is stressed and is looking for higher ground. It is quite NORMAL for a chameleon to get more aggressive and try to defend itself after the 6 month mark. If you want an animal you can play with get a dog.
t anyI dont know if I am doing this right because im new to this but i have a veiled chameleon named Janis, but anyways he might just be very comfortable in his environment. Janis did the same to me when she was younger but now that she has aged and all she has became more aggressive. I still hand feed her sometimes and then again she also enjoys hunting her own food. But i would expect some aggression she has even bit me which even though it doesnt hurt, it stresses them out. i read what others have said to you and I believe less handling and just letting him enjoy his own "territory". Also, When janis gets uncomfortable with me messing with her she gets dark spots, thsi might help you notice whenever he doesnt want to be messed with but, she is light green and doesn't mind me at all....
Generally speaking, frequently handling is not recommended. it serves no benefit to the chameleon, usually causes stress. Climbing up your arm is not a sign that it wants to be with you, rather that it is stressed and is looking for higher ground. It is quite NORMAL for a chameleon to get more aggressive and try to defend itself after the 6 month mark. If you want an animal you can play with get a dog.

well said.
....just letting him enjoy his own "territory". ....

There's a good point here - they are often more aggressive when in their territory (their cage) than when out. Being "calm" outside the cage does not necessarily mean they are not stressed, but it can mean they are less inclined to defend their turff.
mine hates me too. its normal. everytime i put my hand in the cage, even to feed, lucky flares up and hisses and snaps at me. i just get used to it and move on. they are what they are.
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